saye mmg suke makan ikan...
hari2 di hospital Semashko mmg saye makan ikan....
nk buat mcm mane...
ikan je yg bule dimakan...
xde le gamaknye nk makan ayam tuh...
owh yea, org dahi terlebih jendol ade la kawan saye sorg nie suke panggil org mcm tue: si flowerhorn (name ikan tau)
tp kalo saye yg xde kelopak mata nie: shitt fil!! ko x de kelopak mata!!! mcm IKAN seyh..
(shoooootttt, ko same kan aku mcm ikan pulak dahh skang nie)
smpai hati...
confem lepas nie xmo dah belanja ko smpai bila2!!!!!
Friday, December 19
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:13 pm 0 people says..
Labels: random
Wednesday, December 17
d delivery guy...
G: hello
F: hello
G: I CANT go in!!!! the guard wont allow me to go IN!
F: heh???? where are you know???
G: I'm outside... I CANNOT go in!!!! Can you COME to me????
F: ermmmm... but, i can't go out!!! it's late already!!!!
G: the thing is, I cant go in!!! The door is locked!!!
F: I cant go out toooooooooo....
G: I'm standing outside of the building.. just go out NOW...
F: but i cant....
(hung up)ryna n erna: fil x dak sapa ponn kat luaq tuh.. keta pon x dak!!!
F: hello... where are you know??? tell me exactly the place...
G: I'm outside... come down NOW!!!!
F: Wait...
p/s: try to translate it in malay... heueheuheueheue,
owh well, it happened when ryna n erna ordered d pizza...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:17 pm 2 people says..
Friday, December 12
Alhamdulillah, I’d passed my Operative surgery and ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) exam awaiting. Usually, I would indulge myself around with something else like doing nothing and sleeping but now, sticking my butt and studying for ENT topics.
I had been thinking a lot these days. Some maybe sound ridiculous but as days passed by it kept haunting me. Am I what I am??? It feels like I had changed a lot. The relatives keep on saying that I am different in all aspects. Hell yeah, I am older and wiser. But, as a kid I used to be the most talkative, mischievous, full with imaginary ideas that you could ever imagine.
Yes, I talk less to them because I do not know what to say to them. Darn, it is really hard for me to find a topic that will carry on all along for conversation.
As if with my old friends: Oi, Fil you look different now! Of course I know about it. It feels like I am losing something and that thing is outreached. I tend to stop myself to do something that I like. Yet, I do not know why.
These days, I cannot express myself and I keep my feeling inside me without knowing I am mad or like to something that I should.
Apathetic, the correct word I guess. Surprisingly, I am always searching for the undefined. People behavior reluctantly amused me.
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 2:57 pm 0 people says..
Monday, December 8
huheueheuhe... exam nk dekat da nieh..
doakan saye :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:35 pm 2 people says..
Monday, December 1
kalau org kate....
kalau org kate awk lawa suke x???
kalau org kate awk chomel awk suke x???
kalau org kate awk burok atau hodoh, awak nk kate ape???
nk bg pelangkung sekali kat kepala ke???
kalo org kate awk hebat???
kalo org kate awk pandai???
kalo org kate awk bodoh???
apa awak buat???
kalo org kate awk gile???
kalo org kate awk sewel atau bangang???
awak nk terjun msk lobang or longkang???
bile org kate mcm2...
bile org dok mengutuk x hengat...
ingat!!! ade lagi org lagi bagus dr mereka dan diri sendiri...
bukan ape, sume org mmg ade ragam tersendiri....
kadang2, x berkenan dek mata yg memandang, telinga yg mendengar.....
tabahkanlah hati bile melaluinya.
p/s: xde keje... atlas dok terjerit2 memanggil2 saye, apakan daya, badan x larat, otak da penat, ikutkan hati nk pejam je mata, tidow smpai besok pagi!!!! huish~~~
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:26 pm 2 people says..
Labels: random
Sunday, November 30
tangan: study dahhh...
kaki: check!!!
kepala: nanti... skip sat noooooooo
leher: half way... totek dtg menyerang.....
(ouhh tidak, nk wat jahat x jadi... ngokngek la... asal la x jadi... yahoo: bodow!!!)
p/s: heuehueheueheueheuheueheu... operative surgery: bring it ON!!!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:48 pm 2 people says..
Labels: random
Tuesday, November 25
not a chance...
starting from tomorrow, i will be having operative surgery cycle (ouhh noooo!!!)
frying my brain...
sticking my butt to the chair...
gluing my eyes with the anatomy atlas...
wish me luck
p/s: does men do their dishes or not??? (random question back from a discussion with my groupmates) if they don't, is it because they are too ego to do it or what??? is there any better explanation of it?? (tell me please)
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 7:52 pm 2 people says..
Labels: class
Saturday, November 22
bodoh, bingai ke keldai????
forgive me for d tittle...
darn, i really hate to say this but the truth is that: why on earth there are so many stupid, idiot and dumb people...
basically, that stupidity is beyond the level that you ever can imagine...
fine, it's okay to say about this and that but don't you think that other people also have their own freedom to say it on their own..
as if, you are the only who can say about single little that you wanted.. of course you are free to say it sooo...
come on man... when you wanted to say something, say it in front of that person face...
dont play DUMB...
in fact, what comes around goes around
and remember that, you are not going to be on the top (as always)...
ouh yea, go away and get a life of your own... stop messing with others!!!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 3:59 pm 3 people says..
Labels: life
Friday, November 21
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:43 pm 2 people says..
Sunday, November 16
pabila org berkata...
1) kite berhak untuk tidak mempercayai
2) apabila diberi teguran: pada mulanya kite menidakkannya tetapi cuba fikir sekali lagi.. kemungkinan kita yang bersalah sebenarnya....
3) apabila seseorang memberikan pendapat.... jangan menolak pendapat itu mentah2... mana tahu, pendapat itu amat berguna dan berharga...
4)apabila hendak menjawab semula tentang sesuatu yang sedang hebat dikatakan... jawab persoalan itu dengan baik dan pastikan ianya berasas...
5) apabila ada sesuatu yang meragukan atau tidak diketahui... bertanyalah kepada orang yang lebih tahu mengenainya.. tidak salah untuk bertanya.. jangan jadi bodoh sombong
6) kadang kala... kita tahu mengenai sesuatu lebih dari orang lain.. jadi, apa salahnya kalau kita berkongsi tentang perkara itu bersama-sama...
7) apabila berkata-kata... nada suara tidak terlalu kuat atau terlalu rendah dan lagak seseorang boleh juga dibaca daripada kata-katanya
8) ouh yea.. terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata............... (smbg sendiri)
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 5:21 pm 4 people says..
Labels: random
Monday, November 10
kentut ke bau ape nie????
alryte, forgive me for the title... owh well... so, the story goes like this..... (i think better to write it in malay) #1: flight KUL- CDG- MSCW: first year... fil tgh tido at this time, yea la... sedey kene pegi jauh2 (again) and away from parents!!! dang!!! tgh tido dgn nyenyaknye.. tibe2... ade satu bau yg amaattt busuk (busuk gell weh!!!!) x tahan.. almaklumlah.. hidung saye amat sensitif dgn bau-bauan... xkesah la bau ape ponnn... nk tau x bau ape??? bau kentot lah!!! tidak!!! teros x bole tido... tp yg sedeynye... org2 kat sebelah, farah n zahir... sedap je diulit mimpi (sheeeessshhh...x aci btol!!) kenape fil sorg je yg bau????? nk tau sape yg kentot??? nama dirahsiakannnn tp org tue mengaku..... hehehehe sebab fil teross straight forward tanye org yg seat dekat2 ngan fil... sape eh yg kentot dlm flight semalam??? busuk betul!!! smpai fil trjage dr tidow!!!
#2: mase duduk kat 3rd ostel... kitorg beli bread maker... ini bukan cerita kentot yea... bau roti da masak ponnn, fil da terjage... heheh, pastue smbg la tido... bau roti yg fresh n da masak sedap!!!!
#3: nie ponn bukan cerita kentot.. huish... dlm bas... kalo dekat2 ngan russian ponn.. ade je bau yg x mnyenangkan... korg pon tau la ape kan?????
#4: since i'd been living wif ryna n gaby (si mak kucing), raphael n rufus (si anak2 kucing)... pagi2 buta... sebelom kitorg bgn ponn... diorg nie mcm tau je.... pooping kat bekas pasir diorg tue.. semerbak bau... saye pon terjage!!! dang!!!
#5: finally, dlm class tadi.. tgh buat dialog dgn jeff (classmate)... tiba2.... bau lagi!!! tidak!!!! saye buat muke!!! jeff perasan.. die pon bertanye... did U SMELL dat??? fil angguk saje... yea, jeff saye ade bau... kitorg x tau sape smpai sekarang.... heheheh... bukan fil yea...
p/s: saje xde keje... tulis pasal bende nie.. sebenanye, fil tgh BOSAN la... :)
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 10:39 pm 2 people says..
Monday, November 3
when im bored....
saturday: paeds and russian language class
sunday: deepavali makan2... thanx for d invitation... sedap korg masak :P
today: movie marathon, darn!!!! i'd watched the malay movie Apa Kata Hati (didnt get the message tho... it had too much things to convey but i cant understand bout it all) Congkak (spooky... me had been hiding underneath the comforter while watching the movie, nice graphic tooo) and Mamma Mia (owh, im lovin it, credit to iryani for the suggestion and will return d dvd to you soooon), sara thanx for the moviesssss :D
::erna n me had decided to give lil bit changes on our blogs...
soooo yesterday was d day of editing..
still, mine one: berserabot lil bit...
should i place the chat box beside or should not????????
to erna: congrats anda sudah menjadi minah techno la nie :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:12 pm 5 people says..
Labels: hols
Monday, October 27
happy deepavali people ;))
today: monday, 27th OCt ....
saye cuti harinie :))
deepavali... (tp muruku ke chapati ke xde ponn)
xpela... menanti 4th NOV nie....hehehehe
for the past 2 days, i mean friday n saturday......
friday:went out with ryna to mega... shopping... but wait, it was d normal regular shopping... im not crazy as im used to...
saturday: went out again... this time, 3 of us, erna, ryna n me.... walked thru pakrovskaya street... went in n browsed thru all the clothes... unfortunately, we didnt get any from MNG... but more, from OGGI... hahahahhaha.... n me, i was searching for exercise mat.... still, i cant find it from NIKE.. in fact, we got 3 balloons from the workers... teheeee.....
ryna's meletop tgh jalan... erna's meletop inside the fitting room and mine, i'd gave it to a little girl eversince she was eyeing on the balloon...
the best part was: eating sushi... hehehhehe, since i suda lame x pegang chopstick!!! i'd lost my skills... sheeeesssshhh... ouh yea, kedai iteww mmg murahh!!!!
other than that, i jadi erna n ryna photographer :P
sunday: busy.... watching movies n gossip girl season 2... OMG... chuck bass!!! his hair: big NO NO...... ouh yea, pumpkin pie saye.... da siap ;)) to addy, i'll help you...chill out :D
p/s: ouhh bestnyerr if ade bakery in front or beside my room :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:29 am 4 people says..
Tuesday, October 21
sediakan payung sebelom hujan yea :D
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:33 pm 0 people says..
Sunday, October 19
18 hari di hari raya
::folks, thanx for coming to our open house.... mintak maaf kepada yg lmbat!!! ayam nasi ayam suda abes.... orange sponge cake ponn da abes... byk yg da abes...
::kepada yg ingat air 'tebu' (toiek tipu korg sebenrnye) air tue: asal nk wat air teh lemon (ryna dah bancuh teh) tp... sebab fil x mo membazir orange yg digunekan tuk wat cake... saye ponn blend skali bersame lemon..... basically, air tue air teh plus lemon n orange :))
::ayam, wani yg masak... nasi n lontong: ryna.....orange sponge cake: erna.... sos cili n kicap, sup ayam n air teh campur: fil....
::ouhh yea.. this was the fisrt time, open house kene masak 3 round.. letih mmg letih n tahniah kepada tetamu kehormat kami... seow n azri... betul jugak lah kirenye, org yg lmbat bruntung sbb bole menghabiskan sume makanan he~~~~
::actually, kitorg terpaksa cut down budget cos kitorg ingat xde org yg nk dtg (merajok la kononn).... nasi kitorg kurangkan.. ayam kitorg tmbah dlm lontong... cake ponn asal nk buat 3 jadi lah 2 biji je... recipe cake??? ade kat internet... www.allrecipe.com type saje orange sponge cake mesti jumpe :D
::again.. sorri, lauk byk yg da abes.. thanx again sudi datang dari kami: ryna, wani, erna n fil :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 2:44 am 0 people says..
Sunday, October 12
::rufus is sitting on the heater while raphael's sitting in front of the door (nk rase sejuk kowt.. cmpak kat luar balcony br tau... muahahahahhah)::
alryte, yesterday went to Superdisc... bought 3 DVDs, old movies obviously:
1. The thin red line
2. Magnolia
3. The black dahlia
yep, these 3 movies because i hevent watch any of it... the gewd thing is the english audio is present... mind you, if you wanted to buy DVDs at that shop, please buy the old movies, i mean at least a year or 2 old movies... cos as if you bought the latest one for sure it was dubbed in russian!!!!
while ryna bought Elizabeth, Marigold and The Orphan (spanish movie)
last nyte, ryna n me watched Elizabeth, Cate Blanchett as the Queen Elizabeth n Clive Owen as Sir Walter Raleigh...
i heart Clive Owen!!!! (i think i do have a thing for a guy who has Britt slang!!!) ;))
owh yeah, cadbury cheesecake menjadi... ryna n saye baked it... :)) yummy... hopefully those 3 cats, x ltk cap kaki diorg!!! teheeeee~~~
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:10 pm 1 people says..
Sunday, October 5
:: gaby n ocean yg gedix sleeping on my table while im trying hard to focus on my operative surgery::
:: rufus terjage.. pity him x leyh nk join ocean sekali... sorry... meja saye amat penoh ngan notes!!!::
yesterday kak dilla asked me bout raya dis year...
honestly: its hambaR!!!
i dunno why??? homesick kowt and almost cried (owh tidak, saye da nanges da ponnn) while talking on the phone with my mom and aunts...
thank God x denga suare Adam!!! for sure, sedey gile babs...
anyhoo, yesterday smbutan raya with all malaysians...
end up waiting for erna n wani in my old room with my seniors...
berjaye juge met up with the Langkawi juniors (4 org je pown.. ohh well, at least ade lg lGkw legacy)
*pixies will be uploaded later...
owh yeah, saye jatuh hati pada COACH new design... still deciding to buy it oR not to buy!! hurmpphhh...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:56 pm 5 people says..
Saturday, October 4
tagged again by toeik
Starting time : 2106
Name : FilzaH nUr @ fil/ fillpill
Sisters : 2
Brothers : 1
Shoe size :7or 7.5 (besar x??? blame the genetics!!!) n depends on the brand and d design also ;P
Height : last time measured.. 1.6 m
Where do you live : NN- Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Have you ever Been on a plane : yep, lotsa times
Swam in the ocean : yep
Fallen asleep at school : depends on the teacher... as if toooo sleeeepy tido jerrr... but, as always saye jadi tukang kejot my deskmate- jimmY
Broken someone’s heart :maybe
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : ouh yeahhh
Saved e-mails : some of it... but now, stupid spams flooded my emails!!!!
What is your room like : carpet, pastel color... curtain, retro like, bed- kotak2...
What’s right beside you : on my right: my bed... on my left: printer
What is the last thing you ate : msian hari raya food...
Ever had Chicken pox : yep, once
Sore throat : yep
Sticthes: yep, once... main lari2 at babysitter house and ram the door!!! :)) (i knoe, saye amat nakal!)
Broken nose : nope
Do you Believe in love at first sight : huerrrmmmm?????
Like picnics : not dat bad...
Who are the person you last dance with: ?
Last made you smile : ryna's kitten
You last yelled at : ryna's kitten n gaby.... (they ate my salad)
Today did you Talk to someone you like: nope....
Kissed anyone : yep, my nephew
Get sick : definitely....
Talk to an ex : maybe....
Miss someone : definitely!!!
Who do you really hate: really hate??? irritated ade kowt...
Do you like your hand-writing : n0t exactly!!!!
Are your toe nails painted : nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : my sisters... coz they have bed... i dun!!! i ade matress jerrrr... (sedey x... reason: i balik 2 months saje kat msia)
What color shirt are you wearing now : dark red (kak mie's present from barcelona)
Are you a friendly person : not dat friendly...
Do you have any pets : nope...
Do you sleep with the TV on : owh yeah...
What are you doing right now : answering dis taggy-maggy
Can you handle the truth :yep... truth does hurts!!!
Are you closer to your mother or father : mama... now, abah pon da ok :)
Do you eat healthy : yep....
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : x..
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: depends... but, ice cream or chocs will help a lot!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : most of the time, i'm a quite person.. teheee~~
Are you confident : aha...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1.story- telling competition
2.figuring how i can be like my eldest sister...
3.sum sort of teacher's pet
4.hanging out with my fwens
5.day dreaming...
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1.a part of it will go to mom n dad
3. travel
4.goyang kaki
5. open a company with my sibs
5 of my bad habits
2.mood swing..
3. too kind sumtymes
4. wasting my money
5. beli kasut.. tp x pakai or once or twice saje pakai :)
5 places I am living in
1.born and raised in Shah alam
2. 5 years in Langkawi (secondary school)
3.almost 4 years in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
3 tmpat saje...
you’ve been tagged
2. maning
3. amir
time finished: 2141
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:05 pm 0 people says..
Saturday, September 27
muffins ku
alryte.. referring to the tagging-magging questions...
saye mmg nak ade bakery!!!
ouh yeah... keep on wishing la fil oyhhh...
yesterday i baked 3 batches of muffins= 18 pieces
i knoe... gile x..
gara2 amir, terdengar mase kat produkti... (amir, dun worry saye ikhlas!!)
sooo fil suda berjanji sama die n dah pon memberikan muffin itew kepadanye.... (3 bijik jeh)
well, as usual the first batch was not tHe Best...
first trial, obviously i have to experiment the correct temperature, timing and what not...
sooo, it became not as the perfect type as i wanted...
the next batches were fine.... (fine because i have not tasted it yet, Hurmmmppphhh!)
thank gOd my usrahmates love it!!! (hooorayyyyy ;P)
anyhoo, just now i had continued baking the batter kept in the fridge...
if not, confirm2 bantat!!!
as always, erna is my lab rat... eversince she had her menses la kannnn
if she said ok, so it is fine by me ;)
and the final one: those two... it had turned up to be my NEGRO muffins...
p/s: im going out with erna to McD, craving for McD teheeee
picture will be posted later...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 5:34 pm 1 people says..
Tuesday, September 23
dang, it has been along time (toiek punye keje)
soklan 1st:
1. duit raya extra this tyme bole x????
2. bakery
3. flight ticket to anywhere in d world preferably msia la kannn
4. twin
5. a chef
soklan 2nd:
1. no specific reason, rindula nk raya kt msia
2. i love to eat pastries n cakes
3. im'm homesick now, jealous with my sister cos she'll be back in msia this sunday
4. if im too lazy to go to class or lecture, she can replace me
5. malas nak masak
s0klan 3rd:
huwahh... i dunno.. ade ke org yg saye minat sekarang nie????? :P
s0klan 4th:
1. ADD
2. nenas
3. kene tipu
4. kene himpit dlm bas mcm sardin dlm tin
5. last minute kerja, org pass dekat fil
s0klan 8th:
1. bg kat parents
2. travelling
3. buat business sndiri ( i nk bukak bakery if x jadi doctor... hehehe)
4. shopping sakan x ingat dunia :)
s0klan 9th:
thanx to toiek, fil da jumpe lagu kesukaan.... viva la vida by coldplay :D
s0klan 10th aka s0klan terakhir:
1. azryna jaid
2. amir
3. ainaa ismail
p/s: not, da wat dah.... hehehehehehehheh
ouh yeah, junior br, selamat dtg ke bumi nizhny ini :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:51 pm 4 people says..
Monday, September 22
ahah.... im having hygiene now.........
huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh :(
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:45 pm 0 people says..
Thursday, September 11
let me tell you something funny that had happened to my younger brother...
An, sorry i have to tell this story, cos i do remember your facial expression at that time....
A: Ija, ko perasan x td around 10 aku balik umah????
F: heh???? xdenga pown bunyi bising2..... (i tgh busy memasak kat dapur)
A: ko da bgn blom mase tue???
F: (cess, mentang2 la i slalu bgn lmbat... yea la mane ade keje... so bgn la lmbat).... ija tgh sebok2 kutip bj kat atas nk cuci lah.... asal???
A: bongok btol la weh... ade org curik kasut aku!!!!! @*%*&^^ggdsf betol!!!!
F: habes tue, ko naik motor balik pakai ape????
A: stokin je lahhh... habes tue nak pakai ape lg!!!! (muke An mcm muke nk pecah)
F: (smbil menahan gelak... ok, i x smpai hati nk gelak la kannnn) lorrrrrr.... ko tau x sape yg curik???
A: mane nk tau... cgu lak kurang asam gile, aku mntk tlg carikkan... die kate kerajaan ade ke bayar gaji die suro carik kasut aku!!!! bongok gile......
F: habes tue canne nie...
A: aku suro kawan ngan junior2 aku carikkan tp kitorg suspect sorg junior nie... kene gantung skola... tibe2 ade lak arinie... cm confem je die yg amek...
few days later, An pon da bli kasut skola yg baru....
A: sah, bdk tue yg amek... rase cm nak g tumbok je muke die...
F: weh, ko jgn wat hal... da la nk SPM... biar je la, tp cgu ko tue ko kenekan die blk x?????
A: ala, next time suro aku msk lagi bilik bahasa tue... aku nk bwk msk kasut aku letak atas kerusi.... lantak lah die nk kate ape... ingat senang ke nk carik kasut size kaki besar2 cm aku nie???
F: hahahahahha... xpe2, next time ko g gantung kasut cgu kat tiang bendera!!! muahahahahahahah
A; x payah... malas nk layan cgu tue...
F: chill ah, next time die bising2 lg, meh ija jumpe die...... dah la, ko jgn bising2 depan abah... x pasal je lg ko kene marah free2...
hehheheh, there were soooo many things had happened at home while i was on hols... he's big in size far moooorreeee taller n bigger than me... hhuhuhuhuu, AN gewd luck in your SPM and our 'bet' is on... mmmuaaaahhhxxxx :P
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:18 pm 2 people says..
Wednesday, September 10
1 cycle down! 9 more to go plus 3 exams
final class of surgery, still i forgot to bring my zachot book!!!!
i'd been bombarded by Ledaev today about my patient's treatment plan...
heck... i almost chocked...
thank God, i'd managed to answer his questions.....
relentlessly, he loves to make us to have doubt bout our answers...
plus his cynical comments....
L: what type of treatment plan for your patient????
F: palliative treatment....
L: are you sure????? (with his cynical and evilish look)
F: silent.... yeah!
L: explain to me bout the radical, palliative surgery for oncological patients????
F: daymn... kenape la byk sgtt die tanye niehhhh... naik sempot saye menjawab!!! haishhhh...
owh well, i do notice that he does not really understand what i was saying bout the differences of mechanical jaundice in patient with gallstones and pancreatic cancer...
i did mention my answer to him earlier about the pain and the time of progression of the obstruction (either slower or faster) but he wont listen to it!!! i did mentioned about it already...
afterall, only one word he wanted: it is the time of the development of the jaundice... ish... lecturers, all of them have confusing questions and it seems like they really wanted to hear the KEYWORD... yikes!!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 5:24 pm 0 people says..
Monday, September 8
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:08 pm 2 people says..
Saturday, September 6
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 2:04 pm 0 people says..
Friday, September 5
my oh my, i x bole puase!!!! yeah fine, 14 hrs of fasting sure thing i jd lembik mcm pisang da lebam2 tuh... uhuu... period pain is unbearable (cant imagine how am i going to watch the surgery) confirm, i will be fidgeting in OT later....
i had changed my group, from group B to group E.... ex-groupmates: for sure, u guys were shocked with my decision to change group and good luck with the upcoming semesters,i do have my own reason to change the group... group E: heee~~~ thanx for the warm welcome!u guys are sooo funny... btw, lets 'enjoy' our surgery till it last :D
drama for these seasons????? (i'd had it enough, God forbid!)
p/s: i want vanilla caramel muffins!!! i miss pau kari ayam! hurmpphhhh
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 6:25 am 0 people says..
Monday, September 1
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 10:39 pm 0 people says..
Wednesday, August 6
it's august...
will be back in NN sooon (not ready for it)
what did I do during my Summer Holiday????
:: sticking my eyes to the multicolor box that can speak with variety sense of humor which is TV
mainly, watching TV and DVD and i do enjoy watching talk-show by rachael ray and indonesian or malaysian drama these days
:: family gathering, consider it as done, kenduri tahlil was last saturday
::sometimes, read the novel and finally i'd manage to finish it up and as usual it ends with happy ending...
:: searching for jeff abbott new book... wanted to buy it soon but i don't have the mood to go to MPH
:: catching up with my friends... owh yeah, i went to Shah Alam Stadium last week cos Athirah wanted to but tix for the Chelsea match!!! as for us, the seating plan was confusing but i think RM53 or RM83 was ok already!!!
::shopping??? not yet, but sooon
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:44 pm 0 people says..
Thursday, July 24
i'm home now...
lazying around with nothing to do...
the books are all cramped up in the luggage
souvenirs are safe without any damage
chocs inside the fridge (huermmm... i haven't taste chocs from finland itew lagi!)
guess what?????
2nd day (18th july): diarrhea, vomitting and fever (bleargghhhhh.... dehydrated and being unable to stand or walk for a short distance AT ALL!)
continued for five days
the tour
it was fun... my skin: sunburned 'well-tone'(yeah rite)...
there were eight of us...
pictures will be uploaded soon ;P
i am officially the cook for my younger brother who always complaining about my cooking skills (yep, he's picky but i don't care about that because i cook whatever i want to eat!)
p/s: do watch DH 4th season... or am i the last person again! bdk plg lmbat as kak fida called me back in cairo... well twisted this time!!! heheheheheh
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:43 pm 0 people says..
Labels: home
Sunday, June 22
heck i hate when my nervous come during exam time...
Svetlana Vadimovna, thank YoU so muCh :D
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 3:26 am 0 people says..
Labels: exam
Friday, June 20
im gettin even more lazier these days..
i dunno y.....
tired maybe cos i had been busting my ass off since end of nizhny games till the day of the exams...
amat penattt... my eyes are sooo dark like panda!!!
n tengok notes pon rase mcm nk cmpak keluar...
plus the stories dat the others told me bout this and that!!!
should i listen to them or pretending to listen?????
for the love of GOD... just stop anything that you had done...
im sick of watching and listening to it...
stop it la, come on grow up!!!
p/s: anyone yg saket mate tgk my page pakai la sunglass muahahahahaha :) its summer dats y i chose color yg meriah heeee~~~
ouh yeah, wish me luck: my pathphys tomorrow!!! mmmmuahhhhxxxx
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:16 pm 1 people says..
Labels: exams
Monday, June 16
postpone my surgery to 18th june...
cos i want to finish my pathphys first....
then do surgery on 18th...
balik bilik, repeat path phys...
waaaahhh, im goin to b crazy then???
think so... i dun care as long as has quite long gap for path anat (5 days)
i knoe2....
ouh yeahhh, i dunno y last few days my mulut masin!!!
hehehehe, ryna n me dalam lift together wif 3 chinese junior and 4 or 5 mauritians girls...
then, me: ryna, mcm dlm tower of terror la!!! cos the lift mcm menjunam ke bwh lil bit mase nk turonnnn (haishhh)
~~~ all of sudden, at the 1st floor: gang (exaggeration saje), the lift stuck... thank GOD, it is the 1st floor not on 9th floor ke... all of us started to panic... thanx to the mauritians girls; they asked the chinese junior to open the door... phew!!! he made it and we went out from the lift happily :P
moral: 8 person only in the lift!!!! hahahha
p/s: im sooo takowt for my exam......... huuhuhuhuhuu
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:39 am 2 people says..
Labels: hostel
Friday, June 13
went out to see avdonin...
hish... he wasnt there..
bengang gilerrr tahap dewa...
ohh well as long as da pegang surgery....
shud be fine....
mane x nyer.. pagi2 buta before subuh dok main bandage dgn ryna..
17th june: surgery
20th june: pathphys
26th june: pathanat....
2 killer papers da abes... 3 papers lagi....
haissshhhh :((
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:26 pm 0 people says..
Labels: exams
Saturday, June 7
what if...
russian examination same as msian examination??????
10% of attendance
30% of pop quizzes and assignments
60% of finals
but not 100% from exams...
being evaluated on d day of the exam based on 3-5 questions...
what if it will be like this???
dont you think it will be easier for us???
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:47 pm 5 people says..
Labels: exam
Sunday, June 1
coming soooooon:
p/s: owh my, hopefully i can do my pharmaco dis monday...
shuhhh, i knoe im supposed to study laaaa....
misssssing home n kampung... mmmuahhhhhh
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 12:02 am 0 people says..
Thursday, May 22
5 exams...
ryte now, study bagai nk GilA!!! (ye ke??? cm tido byk jer, hehehhehe)
yeay, cycle da abes...
tinggal few lectures sahaje...
Pharmaco: 2nd june/ 1st july
Int Med: 10th june
Surgery: 17th june
Path Phys: 22nd june
Path Anat: 27th june
:: NN games da abes but letih2 x abes2 & rase pelik sbb x sibuk mcm dulu lg... (kenape yea???)
:: malam 1st july of to st.petersburg then to scandinavia :D
:: gewd luck to everyone, ganbatte ne!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 3:14 pm 0 people says..
Labels: exams
Tuesday, May 20
What Filzah Nur Means |
![]() You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings. You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun. Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience. You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along. But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. |
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:52 pm 0 people says..
Sunday, May 11
::my place mcm jungle... winny asked wic character u nk jadi??? (jane or tarzan???) lol..
::5 torches aka bdk sumbu (its winny idea!)... bunga2 yg byk ditepi window...
manila cards yg blom lg dilukis...
::owh yea, my banner x smpai lagi (lmbap la DHL)
::new record, went 2 mEGa 3 times for dis week... x penah2, i buat!!!! daymnnn, my kaki mcm nk tercabott...
:: i tink i can recognize almost all banks in NN, gara-gara2 mencari bank yg ble wat transaction without bank account for ticket flights (shhheeesssshhh)
p/s: after all, my back really hurts!!! ouch... sooon NN games :P
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:59 pm 2 people says..
Labels: life in NN
Friday, May 2
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 10:37 pm 0 people says..
Sunday, April 27
Judging people is one of my habits. I could not let myself agree with that because I cannot help it! Besides that, I do found it amusing since some of the predicted characters of the people that I had met were true. Some say that I should have stopped to do that but I cannot. Sometimes, when I listen to my friends talking about other people whom I had met before that I am not close with, I know something is wrong with him/her. For the first time, I would say ‘Just be careful with him/ her’ and then for the second time ‘See, I told you so’. I am not that kind of person who friend with someone for the benefits or something like that. I did not categorize of who is going to be my friends or enemies. The point is: you don’t know what kind of friends are you with until they become one of yours. True colors of people cannot be seen so easily so you have to be friend with them to know it. Once it had been revealed it is up to you to stay on together or to leave.
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:37 pm 5 people says..
Labels: Myself
Wednesday, April 23
ahah: howt topic for d DAy (money aka allowance *chaching!!!!*)
no need to elaborate, well delivered in blogs of my friends......
well, been busy as always with my study and yesterday...
went on9 and chatting with my besties thru MSN about 6 hours... (lame kan!!!)
wut were we chatting about????
How to manage with hearbroken????
How to get over with it????
depends on YOU...
really,im not kidding...
seriously: it takes time to heal (how long i dunno??? depends on YOU)
rebound syndrome: dats possible but dont do Dat... no benefit!
wut to do???
remember dat YOU have everyone by your side
Your decision is up to YOU
delete his id in YM n MSN, emails delete, hadiah throw it away
his HP no in ur phone (deletelahhh, i knoe its hard, go slow on dat)
owh yeah, Dat Guy not WORTH it (let him Go and Away From YOU)
Hey, hot guys ramai lagi okay :D
U take care there, mmmuahhhhxxxxx
p/s: dis post especially for her n name should not be mentioned...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:28 pm 3 people says..
Sunday, April 20
no class tomorrow!!! :D
cycle: surgery! (wif vasenin, duh who else!)
dun want to talk bout him since most of d girls had fallen for his CUTE face (wuts wif caps lock on??? daymn, no gewd reason at all)
besides dat, its pretty busy now with d nizhny games...
huahuahhauhaua: hopefully d banner can be printed sooon...
i mean by next week it wil be complete then maybank2u after dat DHL to nizhny!
p/s: beyond META alreday, dats y im not writing the post properly... flu please go away ASAP (im high!!!) @_@
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:30 pm 2 people says..
Labels: Myself
Friday, April 11
ok, one of my readers asked me to write something else instead of crapping around....
Dude, im not dat deep and i think i dont have the ability to write it!!!
p/s: busy, i will update this blog sooooon :P *maybe something thoughtful
owhyea, tomorrow meeting with En. Azman (allowance naik ke????)
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:39 pm 2 people says..
Thursday, March 27
blog oh blog
for the first time, i heard the 4 words: BLOG! heh, wth? do people have no other work to do other than blogging? whats soooooo exciting about it other than writing and updating the blog every single day besides doing other work that you are suppose to do....
until one fine day, finally i'd decided to create 'wicked' in blogspot...
first: you have to be responsible on everything you wrote....
secondly: prepare yourself for any critics from the reader
third: silent reader, may entertain you or be a pain in the ass
well, that's the ultimate 3 rules (for myself) that i'd followed... but, try to rethink about it.... if others did bothered bout some posts or a part of you have written in your blog, why do they care bout it so much? say if it's true about them so it has to be considered as an embarassment or wut?
Ranting, rambling and bitching: everyone does that... sooo, wut's the point of making a HUGE deal bout it... people have blog to express themselves, maybe in a good way instead of doing something that is unacceptable and yes i had come across some blogs with very extreme kind of way.....
blog is written by the writer based on his/her point of view, daily basis experience... it's an opinion or a motion which can be true or reconsider or about his/her daily life... maybe, people who does not blogging thought its a waste of time to have a blog...
its a free world!!!!
if you had been bothered by any blogs or posts written by the writer, do not read it again and go do something else to entertain yourself...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:29 pm 8 people says..
Monday, March 24
Running 2 cycles on the same week is not the best option yet you can end all your cycles for the semester earlier than others... in fact, it is tiring, hectic, mentally-tortured..... but its okay and when it comes to certain stuff i really love to rush and make sure it will end fast, no matter what!!!! hahaha :D though it is sounds like im inconsiderate, but i did all-over pros and cons of thoughts...
i know that we have to live our lives to the fullest.... enjoy your life to the max, do everything that you wanted to do like you are going to die tomorrow!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:42 pm 2 people says..
Wednesday, March 19
pharmaco cycle had started..... class in 5th hostel at 3pm!!!!
-no need to travel
-save my money for the bus fare
-class is downstairs only
-more time to sleep......
::: 3 topics for kontrol.. 'yelp'
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:02 pm 2 people says..
Labels: class
Monday, March 10
ahah.... finally can open this page again (well, cant open this page last time maybe some sorta problems with the uploader)...
::since, pathanat cycle started: i knoe.... i didnt study dat much like i used to, wondering why????
Here we go: main reason is, everyone has new collection of series n movies and ryna's n my external hard disc had been travelling around 3 hostels.... on the other hand, during class or lecture time; classmates n batchmates would recommend lots of movies or series whteher its english, korean, japanese, chinese or thailand and even philippines to WATCH!!! hahhahahah......
in fact, we would discuss each of the character inside the class when the lecturer left particularly when there were hot or cute guys in the series or movies.... Now, im falling for McSteamy (cant help it!) n waiting for Erna to take my external from her friend (owh God, pleaseee help me to restrain myself).... so, yesterday 3 of us (XB, Ryna n me) watched Clueless n Save the LasT Dance , yess i knoe, old movies but who cares....
::happy because DHL parcel had arrived... my books!!! thank YOU abah, mama n kak Dayah :) heeeeeeee....
:: owh yeah, before i forget...... yesterday, i had prepared 'cabbage rolls wif black pepper sauce' for the asian wok (fundraising project by Nizhny Games Committee)... i dunno what people said bout it, at least im trying to create new looks for mix vege!!! (yea la, as if i cook the regular mix vege, im afraid xde org nk bli... heh)
p/s: im craving for cheesecake!!!!!!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 12:50 pm 4 people says..
Friday, March 7
pre-women's day
im havin flu.... huhuhu, verrry contagious!!! aiyo... skipped one pathanat class (thank God, Artifeksa was cool wif dat) heehehehe....
so today, at 9ish went out wif xiang bin n ryna to Ramstor.... overdue 'makan2 kelas' dat had been planned since last sem....
nasik minyak, rendang ayam, ayam masak merah, parpu, acar , papadom, karipap n kek batik.... around 3 pm, lunch (considered as lunch la kann) together wif others....
tonite and tomorrow: minggu muslimah organized by PPIM...
monday: holiday lagi!!! ouhh bahagianyerrr :D
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:12 pm 0 people says..
Friday, February 29
kenape bile tgk muka org, org lain pon buat muka one kind?????
ade buat salah ke???
or muka comot????
(ok, i da meta... nk tdo)
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 10:52 pm 0 people says..
Friday, February 15
jeling2 la org smpai mata jadi juling then weng!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:51 pm 0 people says..
Saturday, February 9
series of an unfortunate events
a) my feet hurt because of my new nike shoes (blisters)... its pretty in gold but menyakitkan kaki...... sooo, at birm, i took kak mie's hush puppies for travelling :)
b) we went to disneyland paris and it was raining cats and dogs...... so, d pixies are not dat beautiful... still, we did enjoy the time at paris
c) met up wif adli n ila.... first at starbucks then dinner at BOnDa.... funny thing was, my kaki tersepit a bit at pintu bas..... it hurts till NOW!
d) last nyte, at Kazanski train station... 3 of us were sooo hungry till we ordered the food without checking the prices... end up we have to dig out every cent that we have in our purse and finally managed to pay for the food but the story does not end here; while we were collecting the coins there was a guy took our mineral water and went away... i couldnt do anything since its moscow and i cant do anything bout it.... thankfully to d cashier, she went to d guy and scolded him... fewh.....
** i miss uk.......... and i hate the snow here!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:52 pm 0 people says..
Saturday, January 26
haih, bored and im pissed off for no reason... i hate PMS!!!
will chocolate turn me down???
the answer is NO...
will my friends calm me down???
the answer is MAYBE...
yet the surrounding is pressuring me and it feels like to strangle somebody...
received a text frm sumone and instead of reply it....
i switched off my hp...
owh GOD, im still pissed because i did passed my zacot book to junior and went to a meeting and dat junior didnt bring it back...
am i dat stupid or wut????
i need self remedy.........
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:35 pm 0 people says..
Tuesday, January 22
muffin yg hangus
seeee....... dis is my muffin 'hangus'!!!! i went to perform solat asar while d muffin inside the microwave oven..... so, push d pause or stop button while u are away! at first, i'd smelt something was burning and i thought its from the kitchen.... unfortunately, its the muffin- burnt!!! shocked and freaking out while ryna was laughing her ass off because i cant stand still and trying hard to let the 'asap' go away from the room.... haih!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 10:05 pm 0 people says..
Wednesday, January 16
5th Hospital
i tot my practical in russia would be awesome!!!!
blahhh... its just d same as in msia....
waiting n waiting....
today, i gave meds to d patient... yep, at first 5 of us were searching for pharmacy in d hospital.... and we were lost! hahahahahhaha, funnny isnt it until d head of nurses search for us...
it took about 30 mins for us to find the pharmacy and d location was at the end of the building... sooooo far with complicated route (gosh, they should make a proper plan of the hospital) ;)
on my way back to 7th floor, met my seniors (5th year) they were having internal med cycle.... they were questioning me whether i'd finished my exam and wut am i doing in the hospital??? yes, i'd passed my exam and im having practical in this hospital for 2 weeks....
toodless :D
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 6:42 pm 2 people says..
Tuesday, January 15
owhhh boy, my biological clock had turn off and i can sleep during d day and im awake at night... its driving me crazy and i felt weird... im nocturnal... today, went to d deans for a while, to take permission for surgery practical and it will start from tomorrow... its in 5th hospital, minina... (yawn, we hav to travel to and fro to minina again!)
missssing hommeee... jealous la dgn diorg yg bole balikk..... padan muka sape suro cancelled ur flight ticketss.. smarty pants!
alryte, for d past 3 days.... ryna n me excluding erna were on movie marathon... credit to jatdin.. officially, she's d movie supplier for now.... hehehhe... i'd watched bourne identity, bourne supremacy and bourne ultimatum... some malay movies like otai, impak maksima n etc (yep, i do watch malay movies when i feel to watch it...)
indeed, i had become some lazyass for not going out from d room for about a month plus because preparing for my exam (or else im out to buy groceries wif ryna: ramstor) mega??? didnt went there anymore, trying to save budget for d vacation... dont want to be spendtrift!!!! yikes, cant wait to go to uk again (yes, many people were questioning me why im goin there again and again instead of visiting another another countries, so, my answer is simple bcos my sister is there n my mom asked me to see her.... hah! easy)
best quote from i think i love my wife: u'll never lose a woman when u chase money but u'll lose money when u chase a woman!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 12:32 am 0 people says..
Thursday, January 10
alhamdulillah... i'd finished my exam: Microbiology ;)
actually, im supposed to go to sleep but i cant!!! daymn, why oh why... seriously, i need my beauty sleep.... my eyes are like raccoon!!! dark circled with bags, x suka!
i cant believe dat dis semester had ended... now on holidays and sooon going to uk (again) and paris.... with ryna my rummate and erna toiek!
last nyte: burning d midnight oil wif ryna.... make fun of each other since both of us were trying not to sleep and memorizing and revising for the exam.....
dis morning: went to BFK, waited for about 30 mins and NoNe of Maya students went out yet! darn.... almost collapsed while waiting coz im hypoglycaemic huhuhu... went back to our room for a while and studied some part and went back there again..... ryna and me were the final two... guess what: maya was stressed out, cant figure out why? she's kinda strict... alhamdulillah, we did it! passed it with flying colors.... as we were heading back to the hostel, wanted to scream out loud because we'd waited to pass this exam for soooo long.... called msia and talked to mama for a while... hehehhe... funnny tho, mama knows me verry well, she knew dat i didnt sleep at night (or at least slept for an hour or two) and i didnt take my breakfast....missing home already :(
dis afternoon: went out to buy groceries and DVD after maghrib... alryte, i hate superdisc... super stupid... instead of dubbing the film with russian language better have russian subtitle right??? for the gazilllionth time ryna and me, bought the russian dubbed DVD... feels like throwing the dubbed DVD on the snow from the balcony now... baling mcm frisbee!
now: im sitting on my bed, updating ds blog after long phase of hibernating.... ryna's sound asleep beside me... gosh, im sooo jealous, i want to sleep but i cant...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:13 pm 0 people says..
Thursday, January 3
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 2:40 am 0 people says..