G: hello
F: hello
G: I CANT go in!!!! the guard wont allow me to go IN!
F: heh???? where are you know???
G: I'm outside... I CANNOT go in!!!! Can you COME to me????
F: ermmmm... but, i can't go out!!! it's late already!!!!
G: the thing is, I cant go in!!! The door is locked!!!
F: I cant go out toooooooooo....
G: I'm standing outside of the building.. just go out NOW...
F: but i cant....
(hung up)ryna n erna: fil x dak sapa ponn kat luaq tuh.. keta pon x dak!!!
F: hello... where are you know??? tell me exactly the place...
G: I'm outside... come down NOW!!!!
F: Wait...
p/s: try to translate it in malay... heueheuheueheue,
owh well, it happened when ryna n erna ordered d pizza...
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
aku memang ase nk baling jek pitza tuh taw x..
geram bet0i!
disbbkan satu k0tak pitza tuh la..
kite mcm nk gile..
da la smpai lewat gila!
seb bek ah mlm tuh..
mak gad yg jage..
n seb baek la mak gad yg baek..
kalu x..
pitza punya pasai la neh!
p/s: laen kali nk order pitza..kena order awai2..
lepaih kul 9.30 jgn d0k gatai lagik nk order!
gile la wehh...
da la ari2 fil dok gado ngan operator tue..
cm anj2 jerk!!!
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