today: monday, 27th OCt ....
saye cuti harinie :))
deepavali... (tp muruku ke chapati ke xde ponn)
xpela... menanti 4th NOV nie....hehehehe
for the past 2 days, i mean friday n saturday......
friday:went out with ryna to mega... shopping... but wait, it was d normal regular shopping... im not crazy as im used to...
saturday: went out again... this time, 3 of us, erna, ryna n me.... walked thru pakrovskaya street... went in n browsed thru all the clothes... unfortunately, we didnt get any from MNG... but more, from OGGI... hahahahhaha.... n me, i was searching for exercise mat.... still, i cant find it from NIKE.. in fact, we got 3 balloons from the workers... teheeee.....
ryna's meletop tgh jalan... erna's meletop inside the fitting room and mine, i'd gave it to a little girl eversince she was eyeing on the balloon...
the best part was: eating sushi... hehehhehe, since i suda lame x pegang chopstick!!! i'd lost my skills... sheeeesssshhh... ouh yea, kedai iteww mmg murahh!!!!
other than that, i jadi erna n ryna photographer :P
sunday: busy.... watching movies n gossip girl season 2... OMG... chuck bass!!! his hair: big NO NO...... ouh yea, pumpkin pie saye.... da siap ;)) to addy, i'll help you...chill out :D
p/s: ouhh bestnyerr if ade bakery in front or beside my room :))
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
4 people says..:
i love chuck bass so much!!!!
i wish he will be my future BF....
mcm mane nak terer gune chopstick if u masukkan the chopstick inside ur nose...wkwkwkwk....
i bosan la amek gamba control je...
soo amek la gmba mcm tue...
hey fil..i saw a yoga mat kat nike in real..mb u can try there
thanx sara ;)
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