Starting time : 2106
Name : FilzaH nUr @ fil/ fillpill
Sisters : 2
Brothers : 1
Shoe size :7or 7.5 (besar x??? blame the genetics!!!) n depends on the brand and d design also ;P
Height : last time measured.. 1.6 m
Where do you live : NN- Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Have you ever Been on a plane : yep, lotsa times
Swam in the ocean : yep
Fallen asleep at school : depends on the teacher... as if toooo sleeeepy tido jerrr... but, as always saye jadi tukang kejot my deskmate- jimmY
Broken someone’s heart :maybe
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : ouh yeahhh
Saved e-mails : some of it... but now, stupid spams flooded my emails!!!!
What is your room like : carpet, pastel color... curtain, retro like, bed- kotak2...
What’s right beside you : on my right: my bed... on my left: printer
What is the last thing you ate : msian hari raya food...
Ever had Chicken pox : yep, once
Sore throat : yep
Sticthes: yep, once... main lari2 at babysitter house and ram the door!!! :)) (i knoe, saye amat nakal!)
Broken nose : nope
Do you Believe in love at first sight : huerrrmmmm?????
Like picnics : not dat bad...
Who are the person you last dance with: ?
Last made you smile : ryna's kitten
You last yelled at : ryna's kitten n gaby.... (they ate my salad)
Today did you Talk to someone you like: nope....
Kissed anyone : yep, my nephew
Get sick : definitely....
Talk to an ex : maybe....
Miss someone : definitely!!!
Who do you really hate: really hate??? irritated ade kowt...
Do you like your hand-writing : n0t exactly!!!!
Are your toe nails painted : nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : my sisters... coz they have bed... i dun!!! i ade matress jerrrr... (sedey x... reason: i balik 2 months saje kat msia)
What color shirt are you wearing now : dark red (kak mie's present from barcelona)
Are you a friendly person : not dat friendly...
Do you have any pets : nope...
Do you sleep with the TV on : owh yeah...
What are you doing right now : answering dis taggy-maggy
Can you handle the truth :yep... truth does hurts!!!
Are you closer to your mother or father : mama... now, abah pon da ok :)
Do you eat healthy : yep....
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : x..
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: depends... but, ice cream or chocs will help a lot!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : most of the time, i'm a quite person.. teheee~~
Are you confident : aha...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1.story- telling competition
2.figuring how i can be like my eldest sister...
3.sum sort of teacher's pet
4.hanging out with my fwens dreaming...
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1.a part of it will go to mom n dad
3. travel
4.goyang kaki
5. open a company with my sibs
5 of my bad habits
2.mood swing..
3. too kind sumtymes
4. wasting my money
5. beli kasut.. tp x pakai or once or twice saje pakai :)
5 places I am living in
1.born and raised in Shah alam
2. 5 years in Langkawi (secondary school)
3.almost 4 years in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
3 tmpat saje...
you’ve been tagged
2. maning
3. amir
time finished: 2141
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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