::rufus is sitting on the heater while raphael's sitting in front of the door (nk rase sejuk kowt.. cmpak kat luar balcony br tau... muahahahahhah)::
alryte, yesterday went to Superdisc... bought 3 DVDs, old movies obviously:
1. The thin red line
2. Magnolia
3. The black dahlia
yep, these 3 movies because i hevent watch any of it... the gewd thing is the english audio is present... mind you, if you wanted to buy DVDs at that shop, please buy the old movies, i mean at least a year or 2 old movies... cos as if you bought the latest one for sure it was dubbed in russian!!!!
while ryna bought Elizabeth, Marigold and The Orphan (spanish movie)
last nyte, ryna n me watched Elizabeth, Cate Blanchett as the Queen Elizabeth n Clive Owen as Sir Walter Raleigh...
i heart Clive Owen!!!! (i think i do have a thing for a guy who has Britt slang!!!) ;))
owh yeah, cadbury cheesecake menjadi... ryna n saye baked it... :)) yummy... hopefully those 3 cats, x ltk cap kaki diorg!!! teheeeee~~~
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
1 people says..:
hey! i got magnolia as well ! sgt syok! hehe!~
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