saturday: paeds and russian language class
sunday: deepavali makan2... thanx for d invitation... sedap korg masak :P
today: movie marathon, darn!!!! i'd watched the malay movie Apa Kata Hati (didnt get the message tho... it had too much things to convey but i cant understand bout it all) Congkak (spooky... me had been hiding underneath the comforter while watching the movie, nice graphic tooo) and Mamma Mia (owh, im lovin it, credit to iryani for the suggestion and will return d dvd to you soooon), sara thanx for the moviesssss :D
::erna n me had decided to give lil bit changes on our blogs...
soooo yesterday was d day of editing..
still, mine one: berserabot lil bit...
should i place the chat box beside or should not????????
to erna: congrats anda sudah menjadi minah techno la nie :))
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
5 people says..:
fill!nak pinjam movie jugak!
ouhhh bole...
mai la bilik.....
series ade byk...
u ade strangers x?
ekceli kan fil..
aku neh..
dah lame dah techn0..
saje jek aku malas ah nk tunjok2 bakat terpendam neh..
ramai pulak la..
yg jeles..
series apa fil ada?? mahu jugak!! oh btw, congkak sgtlah bodo jln citernye.. mcm ntah pape jer! hahahaha!~
to toiek: hok aloh!!!! i jugak ajar u kan!!!!!
to jd: byk!!! heroes, antm, house, brothers n sisters, gray's...
jemput la dtg bilik yea :))
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