forgive me for d tittle...
darn, i really hate to say this but the truth is that: why on earth there are so many stupid, idiot and dumb people...
basically, that stupidity is beyond the level that you ever can imagine...
fine, it's okay to say about this and that but don't you think that other people also have their own freedom to say it on their own..
as if, you are the only who can say about single little that you wanted.. of course you are free to say it sooo...
come on man... when you wanted to say something, say it in front of that person face...
dont play DUMB...
in fact, what comes around goes around
and remember that, you are not going to be on the top (as always)...
ouh yea, go away and get a life of your own... stop messing with others!!!!!
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
3 people says..:
btoi tuh cik pill..
owg neh kan kdg2 pengecut amat..
blakang je bagai nk rak dok ckp itu ini..kencang gell bcakp..
tp bile dpn2..
kecut segala..
dasar manusia..
hampagas sungg0h!!!
vacuum ek???
its just a random posting
im dying with boredom..
ouhh tidakkk!!!!
boleh cakap actually if bende tuh tersangat lah tak if nak ckp bab agama nie..kene la pikir betul2 dulu..if berlandaskan hukum betul la..nie if ckp pki suke hati dah lain dah bunyi tuh..ceh ceh...lebih2 plak i nie...hahaha.. well,i if x puas hati dgn miss fil n miss toek nie...ckp dgn miss fil nie takut skit..dier nie mcm nak makan org if buat muke kdg2 layan jerk...hahahaha...asalkan miss fil n miss toek nie always jd kawan plg hebat n paling best....muaaaaxxxxx...
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