alryte, forgive me for the title... owh well... so, the story goes like this..... (i think better to write it in malay) #1: flight KUL- CDG- MSCW: first year... fil tgh tido at this time, yea la... sedey kene pegi jauh2 (again) and away from parents!!! dang!!! tgh tido dgn nyenyaknye.. tibe2... ade satu bau yg amaattt busuk (busuk gell weh!!!!) x tahan.. almaklumlah.. hidung saye amat sensitif dgn bau-bauan... xkesah la bau ape ponnn... nk tau x bau ape??? bau kentot lah!!! tidak!!! teros x bole tido... tp yg sedeynye... org2 kat sebelah, farah n zahir... sedap je diulit mimpi (sheeeessshhh...x aci btol!!) kenape fil sorg je yg bau????? nk tau sape yg kentot??? nama dirahsiakannnn tp org tue mengaku..... hehehehe sebab fil teross straight forward tanye org yg seat dekat2 ngan fil... sape eh yg kentot dlm flight semalam??? busuk betul!!! smpai fil trjage dr tidow!!!
#2: mase duduk kat 3rd ostel... kitorg beli bread maker... ini bukan cerita kentot yea... bau roti da masak ponnn, fil da terjage... heheh, pastue smbg la tido... bau roti yg fresh n da masak sedap!!!!
#3: nie ponn bukan cerita kentot.. huish... dlm bas... kalo dekat2 ngan russian ponn.. ade je bau yg x mnyenangkan... korg pon tau la ape kan?????
#4: since i'd been living wif ryna n gaby (si mak kucing), raphael n rufus (si anak2 kucing)... pagi2 buta... sebelom kitorg bgn ponn... diorg nie mcm tau je.... pooping kat bekas pasir diorg tue.. semerbak bau... saye pon terjage!!! dang!!!
#5: finally, dlm class tadi.. tgh buat dialog dgn jeff (classmate)... tiba2.... bau lagi!!! tidak!!!! saye buat muke!!! jeff perasan.. die pon bertanye... did U SMELL dat??? fil angguk saje... yea, jeff saye ade bau... kitorg x tau sape smpai sekarang.... heheheh... bukan fil yea...
p/s: saje xde keje... tulis pasal bende nie.. sebenanye, fil tgh BOSAN la... :)
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
hehe..lwk2..means hidung ko receptor aktifla 2..2 yg jd sensitif..bagus2..pasni leh r tlg polis tuk kes2 jenayah..hehehe =p
hows hooligan???
kene kejar lg ke???
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