ahah.... finally can open this page again (well, cant open this page last time maybe some sorta problems with the uploader)...
::since, pathanat cycle started: i knoe.... i didnt study dat much like i used to, wondering why????
Here we go: main reason is, everyone has new collection of series n movies and ryna's n my external hard disc had been travelling around 3 hostels.... on the other hand, during class or lecture time; classmates n batchmates would recommend lots of movies or series whteher its english, korean, japanese, chinese or thailand and even philippines to WATCH!!! hahhahahah......
in fact, we would discuss each of the character inside the class when the lecturer left particularly when there were hot or cute guys in the series or movies.... Now, im falling for McSteamy (cant help it!) n waiting for Erna to take my external from her friend (owh God, pleaseee help me to restrain myself).... so, yesterday 3 of us (XB, Ryna n me) watched Clueless n Save the LasT Dance , yess i knoe, old movies but who cares....
::happy because DHL parcel had arrived... my books!!! thank YOU abah, mama n kak Dayah :) heeeeeeee....
:: owh yeah, before i forget...... yesterday, i had prepared 'cabbage rolls wif black pepper sauce' for the asian wok (fundraising project by Nizhny Games Committee)... i dunno what people said bout it, at least im trying to create new looks for mix vege!!! (yea la, as if i cook the regular mix vege, im afraid xde org nk bli... heh)
p/s: im craving for cheesecake!!!!!!!!
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
4 people says..:
fil, thank you for the cabbage roll thingi! i loike!!!!!!!!!!!~( i pun beli ok!BELI!)
pls fwrd my thanx to kak ryna also for help okay:)
p/s:im putting up our next advert alrdy for next week's stall!ngahahaha!
money babeh..money:):):)
fewh... i tot org x suke!!! hehehhe... wow, da tmpal ad baru!!!
berusahe!!! ;)
how come tak jual kat 1st hostel?? tak aci...!~ anyway, fil, sarah nak pinjam save the last dance can?~ :p movie yg slalu ditonton masa form 5 dulu..haha
ala... dat dvd is not mine la...
senior punyer!!!
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