alhamdulillah... i'd finished my exam: Microbiology ;)
actually, im supposed to go to sleep but i cant!!! daymn, why oh why... seriously, i need my beauty sleep.... my eyes are like raccoon!!! dark circled with bags, x suka!
i cant believe dat dis semester had ended... now on holidays and sooon going to uk (again) and paris.... with ryna my rummate and erna toiek!
last nyte: burning d midnight oil wif ryna.... make fun of each other since both of us were trying not to sleep and memorizing and revising for the exam.....
dis morning: went to BFK, waited for about 30 mins and NoNe of Maya students went out yet! darn.... almost collapsed while waiting coz im hypoglycaemic huhuhu... went back to our room for a while and studied some part and went back there again..... ryna and me were the final two... guess what: maya was stressed out, cant figure out why? she's kinda strict... alhamdulillah, we did it! passed it with flying colors.... as we were heading back to the hostel, wanted to scream out loud because we'd waited to pass this exam for soooo long.... called msia and talked to mama for a while... hehehhe... funnny tho, mama knows me verry well, she knew dat i didnt sleep at night (or at least slept for an hour or two) and i didnt take my breakfast....missing home already :(
dis afternoon: went out to buy groceries and DVD after maghrib... alryte, i hate superdisc... super stupid... instead of dubbing the film with russian language better have russian subtitle right??? for the gazilllionth time ryna and me, bought the russian dubbed DVD... feels like throwing the dubbed DVD on the snow from the balcony now... baling mcm frisbee!
now: im sitting on my bed, updating ds blog after long phase of hibernating.... ryna's sound asleep beside me... gosh, im sooo jealous, i want to sleep but i cant...
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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