gimme sum idea on how to stimulate my younger bro's brain to study??? is an I-Pod enough to stimulate him or wut should i say???? dude, study lah.... exams are way soooo important to u ok... dun make abah n mama sad ok! make them proud of u.... i knoe u r smart, yes u are.... tapi ur big problem is u r so or not so pemalas! heh, wut d heck.... ok la, PMR not dat big exam but still penting in ur lyfe, its like takin a BIG step in ur lyfe.... tho, i now ur school tue gettin improved n many of my fwens from dat school scored in PMR n SPM. Nonetheless, do ur verrry best. i knoe u can do it. go to school, budget ur tyme: more studying other than playing. plus, while studyin switch off ur phone n throw it away from u ( dats d best, hp is d devil, i knoe u keep on texting or playin d games) summore close d door and concentrate! ( u tot i dunno wut u did in ur room huh? i knoe everything lah, while i was at home!) hurmmmm.... other than that, for maths: more exercises, geo: hafal d map n d position, science: understand n memorize all d details same as kh n agama, bm: read more n hafal d grammar, english: same as bm, history: hafal semua..... uhuhuhu, its kinda hard but as u grow older, u'll knoe dat there are no things dat u would get it easily, NO PAIN NO GAIN.... lastly, Strive For d Best ;)
How A Failed Business Saved My Life
4 days ago
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