i dunno how to start...
but i did disscuss bout dis wif my fwens....
most of them r worried coz they r gettin older like 19, 20,21......
no one to be wif, wic means to hav boyfriend or gurlfren....
guys, being single is not pathetic, single doesnt mean u r lonely.....
or u rather to be wif sumone dats not worth to be wif u!
stop whining n chill out....
of course sumone will cum along....
u cant predict it....
trust me, he or she will come....
to build a relationship wif sumone is not dat easy,
u hav to be tolerant,
u hav to understand between each other,
trust each other,
or else...........
when sumone asked me all these stuff,
i end up to say " u knoe wut, when i started to think bout it my head jadi serabot! n i think betta i let it be like dis n i enjoy to do everything dat i wanted to do! soooo chill ah!"
>>>>>> ouhhhhhh ok, im sooooo serabot now!
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
3 people says..:
hahaha.. better being single than living with a worthless jerk for the rest of your life!!!!
be patient, it pays!!
Huhuhu...Agree with Amani's opinion..Worthless jerk is just like a scrub, which is a guy that thinks he's smart but also known as ________(fill in the blank).
However, U'll just know it when the person is worth for U. N she/he is the one made for U...
Just a piece of advice from an expert(hehe), if U love someone, just let her/him go..If he/she comes back to you..then, he/she is meant for U..
keh..keh..keh..full of philos..Specially composed for Filzal Nur..
uishhh.... kate2 yg bermakna.....
tima kasehhhhh ;) i knoe name sape patut diletakkan disitu....
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