fever...... go away!!!!!!
i x nak dah..... penatttt lahhhh....
pening... panas, my eyes sakittt...
mama, dun worry bout me....
tgh recover nieh....
class x pegi...
tido n makan saje keje!
seriously, my head cam nak explode!!!!
huhuhu, wut kind of bomb in dis head?
y now???
most probably im sick coz of d weather,
yeah, kursk is cold
nizhny not dat cold> d sun shines sooooo bright!
panas, +21 camtue ( ehehehe, last temp i tgk kat board at sporta)
cepatlah, nak gi class...
x study lagi, histology.....
me end up wif watchin korean drama wif kak dilla n eatin ritter sports......
gosh, i dunno....
dis is d way to let d pain go away.....
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
3 people says..:
demam tak demam, habis citer korea dia khatam
demam tak demam, habis citer korea dia khatam
biasa la me....
bg jer ape2....
khatam saja!!!!
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