3rd syawal in russia, 2nd syawal in msia...
uhuhuuh, i called kampung yesterday (eheh, kinda sad la lil bit) yups, sedey.... everyone was there n its kinda depresssing thinking dat im alone herrrre..... huwaaaaa....heh, no la, i didnt cry terok2 ponnn... sikit2 ade la especially by d tyme i talked to my aunt, wak mon... adoi!!!! she's sooo pandai to make me cry.... talked to abah, mama, kak mie, kak dayah, dira, 3 aunts n lastly syafiq (yea, my cuz, who is goin to hav his spm in 3 weeks tyme: dude, chill, i knoe u can do it, comparin to myself yg not dat skema n kind as u back in 3 years ago). basically, while i was talkin to them one by one, i can hear d back up sounds la kannnn; people chit chatttin n laughing, discussin about dis n dat... seeee, like my sis, kak dayah told me dat: ye la, u knoe our family nieh once da jumpe cannot stop talkin!... (yea, i knoe bout d facts) hihihihi....
sambutan raya di russia, particularly in nizhny novgorod, kami menyambutnya dengan sebaiknya, tidak lebih dan tidak kurangnya walaupun jauh dari keluarga yg tercinta... d day before raya, 7 of us menjual nasi minyak n mee goreng. alhamdulillah sambutan daripada pembeli amat menggalakkan n we consider d profit as our duit raya :D summore d day before it, we went to MEGA..... so, we bought sum stuffs from IkeA dat cost bout 4300 rub. in d end, im havin footache till now coz saya berjalan dgn banyaknya.....
yesterday, i planned to skip anatomy class, unfortunately, Larissa's messenger aka XB told d 4 of us (me, ryna, syahir n malini) to attend d afternoon classs.... but thing turns up to be unexpectedly....actually, Larissa was joking to XB to see us in d afternoon n she wouldnt mind dat we didnt showed up in the morning class..... well, d 4 of us were quite pissed... ehehehhe, can u imagine wif d stomachache, headache n all went to d class... nevermind, let bygones be bygones!!!
today, big discussion in physiology class... thank God Dr. volkova wasnt mad us tho we cant answer her question perfectly like she always wanted....
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
1 people says..:
huhahuha... nanti kita beli cermin di ikea!!
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