ohohoho...... 29th aug 2006. 6am i arrived in nizhnynovgorod in front of the 3rd hostel. cold???? hell yeah!!!! tp x sesejuk winter (a little bit exaggerating here...). juz imagine, from msia my flight was like at 0745 and hav to bertolak from house like 0430 camtue, like mama said: Ija's flight SUBUH SYAFIEEE! mmg pagi2 lg kene kuar.... sori abah, i think dats d only flight yg bley dpt for dat day... while at the airport, kinda bad luck actually, d attendat was sooooo god damn strict, die suro kuar kan brg 6kg from my hand luggage if not my hand luggage kene masok kargo n hav to pay 16 kg extra= RM 2000+++. ouh, amat mahal, bole beli byk bende and bills for 3 months la kan. so, i hav to take all my books out. at first, i thought want to ask abah to post it, tp, alhamdulillah... farah is my saviour, she took 3 books out of 4, so i took another 1 n kept in my elle bag, yg mmg sedia ade besar! so, i hav 2 hand luggage, elle bag, small beg tarik plus laptop bag (its sooooo kembong full of wire n my dvd collection: one tree hill n others).
the flight was actually sucks! i cant eat fyi, got massive headache im sooo jealous wif nava coz she can eat everything dat was given on dat tray....
Qatar.... sooooo hot. apparently, while im in transit in doha, i didnt shopped for perfumes.... ehehehhhe
moscow, long queue at the immigration juz imagine one person its like 15 minutes to lepas the immigration officer.... tenung muke lah.... suro bukak spectacles lah.... haish!!!!
wait until 12pm, so d bus driver smpai.... off to go back to nizhny..........
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
good to be back ngan bawak cd one tree hill... and update blog!
yupsss.... thank u for letting me to use ur laptop, hehehe
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