last nyte, chatting wif diba. haish, soalan cepumas suda diajukan, sori diba bout dat it didnt work. so, d problem is me, not d others. i dunno y??? people have different perception aite bout other people... they see me as gewd, nice person n sum are afraid of me coz d way my face look. yup, dat stern look la kannn... wonder y, tho my fwens woulld say dat d way u stare, wohooo real scarry la fill... summore wen u didnt talk to others... heh! ya la... x kan la i nak membebel x tentu pasal 24/7... im not dat kind of person... i do talk to the one dat i know... serious, strangers... x ponn org yg i kenal tp x rapat, senyum saje!!! ohohoh.... well, u cannot change d way people think bout u until they know bout u, d real truth... still, d true colours of a person cant be revealed so easily until u know him or her better... i mean d longer u be fwens wif them, u will know.. yet some test can be done or d simple one juz ask them... still to ask sum personal question shud be "berlapik" jgn la tooo straight forward.. unless, u r d straight forward person... sooner or later u'll know them... n i hate to say dat, being d one who always help d other, kinda exhausting!!! yess, its gooood to help people, tp dont count on me tooooo much... i hate wen i was instructed to do this n dat... im not d kuli batak!!! (huh, emo already) yea la, sedey tau... asyik2 harapkan fil... u wat la sendiri... hati saye nie sape yg tahu... penat simpan... fill x tau sampai bile bole tahan or d best way i wud juz let it go!!!! let it go??? its easy, but wen u are angry, mesti mengungkit kan??? ingat balik all those things they'd done to u..... tired n sakit hati saja. im a sensitive person, God knows bout dat, simply says dat fill can do dat n do dis... pissed off, do it urself lah... malas da nk layan
p/s: later on, fill mesti x smpai hati, akan membantu juge, tp if nak bg pengajaran ponn ble jugak eh? but Mama says dat we shouldnt be toooo berkire since we r livin in small community here in nizhny, 6 years babe, ryte now br 2nd year, same person u'll see n same person u'll ask for HeLp!
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
4 people says..:
rilekss fillll.. pms kot nih
yea kottt
fil..marah2 cepat tue..
-kak 'Ain-
aishhh... canne nk wat, tgh marah sgttt... ryte now im fine- mne kharasho :)
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