me, at my table
still studying hygiene...
soon, the wall will be filled with hygienic parameters!!!!
ryna, sleeping soundly on her bed since she had finished packing her luggage and tidying up the room.
i hope i can go to sleep..
thanx to NESCAFE...
i cant go to sleep...
so, keep on staring plus reading d notes....
goshhhh... y la hygiene pon ade exam?????
i nk buat paper nie awal!!!
x kire by hook or by crook... kene buat jugak on 21st January...
then... smbung bershopping :))
p/s: i br tahu nescafe GOLD 3 in 1 sedap!!!! thanx kak dayah, tp kenape 1 pack saje??? my milo, nescafe stock suda bertambah... hopefully can survive till next sem lah kannnn..... :D
How A Failed Business Saved My Life
4 days ago
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