:: russia raya one day early than msia; i'd decided not to call kmpg on friday but on saturday, so, the 1st day of syawal went well.... 1st thing was berbuka puasa beramai2 wif embassy ;yess, embassy people were here, and we celebrated raya eve together.... unfortunately, i didnt went for the meeting of JPA students: BAD NEWs we cant go back home early this summer and for the other summer because we Must do our Practicals Here in RUSSSIa! huhuhuhu...
:: open house, the best part was ryna n i cooked for the whole day from petang before raya eve until pagi raya.. alhamdulillah, ramai yg datang kawan terdekat, rapat, groupmate, ex-blockmates etc..... lontong, rendang and soto plus choc cakes........
:: 2nd day, i called kampung... kak mie's n my shared sim cad with her given by abah.... talked to everyone in the house... i cried a bit!!! ngaaaa... sedey wooo... i talked to adam comelss!!! and i heard kila's voice... missing all of u... and jgn terkejot ija bole masak 30kg nasi Minyak (hehehhe, ade la lagi org yg menolong.. pandai wani assigned fil tukang masak nasi minyak, k. amy jd chef!) that night, smbutan raya wif all d malaysians... many happy faces and we finally took our very first picture of Maresmawi In Nizhny!!!! (kebetulan sume ade at one area, n others were like: poyo btul la diorg nie... asyik2 bdk lgkw!) took photo wif 4 org Kakaks... (x Blockmates) n owh, everyone wore their baju raya... fancy, glamorous, updated fashion...
:: 3rd raya, i woke up late..... didnt go to class( skip!) plus, didnt finsh study.... end up, staying in the room wif ryna... smbg study lg.... darn! i bet Dugina will be mad but still, 1st tyme ponteng niehhh (k. dayah jgn bgtau mama n abah plzzzz) summore, tgh diarrhea (its raya syndrome)
:: pixies, upload it later... :) mmmuaahxxxxx, im sooo jealous wif k.mie (she bought hp yg saye suka: N76 red in colour.. cissss)
Lost in Horizon
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