internet, can acces thru it already!
::4 days to go for Eid Mubarak, 3rd raya in Nizhny (im jealous wif kak mimie coz she's in msia, haih i wish i can go back home for raya la.....)
::yet, abah didnt send any parcel to me dis raya due to the new regulations which totally out of questions (no need to mention, still it did pissed me off till today!) basically, my life goes well and nothing seems to be abnormal....
::living in a new room with ryna (pixies later i'll upload, digicam suda lame terperuk n maybe the lens da berabuk! dang~~)
::weekends, friday midnyte movie n enot always join us to watch the movies, usually on the other night she'll come and gossiping with us (as always!)
::the hostel, new and obviously there must be some problem with that! less hot water n more cold water, kinda hard to take bath wif cold water, way toooooooo cooooooold! till i have to blow my hair dry coz the coldness make my head ache!
::other than that, i'm away from 4 kakaks.... missed the laughter and screams tho... n maning if u're reading this jgn la buat2 terkejot pulak!!! dis raya, datang la to our room :)
::juniors, hahhahahha (evil laugh) i didnt know their names but i can recognize their new faces at anatomy department, some says that they are 'hidung tinggi' but im not so sure about it, maybe they felt insecure or trying to be independent.... well, let it be and we'll see!
p/s: my last entry, have nothing to do wif anyone. Im trying to be dramatic!
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
ngahahhaahah.... rindu kami ah fil.... mai sini slalu2. we miss u too. diorg sume kim slm. bila bukak rumah??? nanti btau kami pi. selamat hari raya!!!!! kim slm kat ryna n enot. haha.
hehehhe.... 2nd week kottt kene a mase tue tgh ade cycle break :)
p/s: ryna tanye kak anis bile nk training futsal???
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