2nd year 2nd sem... still we have weekly intensive class for russian. i bet, d mission is to widen our knowledge about russian language. basically. we have a number of dedicated russian lang lecturers to teach us....
well, as we all know, the most dedicated one is my own lecturer... Irina Mikhailovna
i cant deny dat she is a verrry gewd lecturer. yes, she is!!! every class, we will start with our news... d news it can be anything dat we wanted to tell to our classmates... hell yeah, u can crap out anything.....
but, im kinda upset when she asked me about height of a basketball player???
haih... am i dat short ma'm???
sooo, here she goes:
IM: filzah, as i know a basketball player should be tall???
me: dang!!! (haish, ape la aku nk jawab) spontaneously... ehmmm, if we really want to play, of course we can... height is not a big deal...
p/s: dis conversation is translated from russian to english
phew..... im proud of myself coz i can stand up for myself... ehhehehe
furthermore, our class usually last for 3 HOurs...
can u believe dat????
damn, its verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry looooooooooooong ...........
first half classss... u can seee a happpy made faces from us....
2nd half.... all d 8 of us will make such tired, sleepy head faces...
me tend to not paying attention to her...
i will questioned her back for every question she asked me with blurrry face!
i know i shouldnt do dat but...
im tired...
indeed, shes a verry patience woman....
mark my words, dun mess wif her...
once u did, u will regret it....
darn, to get avtomat we have to make a play...
wic story dat is suitable to make a play???
still in progressed!!! ;)
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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