regardin to my last post...
i bought already my flight ticket to msia
27 jun 07: back to msia... estimated time 0605+1....
owhhh yeah, dis tyme im goin back by swiss airlines...
domoedova to zurich
then zurich to kuala lumpur...
cant wait for it seriously......
well, i went to the travel agency situated at the back of evropa wif kak amani on last wednesday (i skipped my microb lecture n at least i did sumthing wic is booked d ticket flight)... process of booking the ticket was bout 30 minutes.... definitely, im in awe ngehehhee, coz i tot it would take at least an hour.....
immm sooo happy, by d tyme d lady make a copy of my itenarary...
so, may be by next week i will get d ticket.... ;))
huhuhu.. nak balik..nak balik... nak balik....
my list of wut to do in msia:
1)practical at kmpg
2) search for a trainer or at least a tennis court to play
4)watchin moviessss
5)collecting new season for oth
6)buy books precisely med boooks
7)enjoyin my hols
8) meeet up wif my cousins, nieces n nephews
9)spend my tyme wif my family
10)being amah at home.... hahhahaha
--- im updatin this coz im bored n im lazy to study biochem... ehhe---
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
gile la fill... esok slamat amik tiket!!!
saye da amekkk
rase sgttt bahagia...
mintak2 xde problem
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