Monday, November 27


dis whole week were kinda disaster for me because all of the things dat had happened to me....
i'm depressed... im useless
one of d most stupid thing dat i did: i went to d sportzal to play basketball but after i had run 3-5 rounds of the court, i stood and looked to all other players and i talked to myself that i shouldnt be here... im out of mood to play... i dun hav stamina to play.... i am WEAK lazybum...
even more worst, after i did d psychology test and d test had revealed everything... eVerything!
indeed, im speechless.... i knoe it cud be more disastrous... i tend to be irritated and simply fed up wif everyone... i almost let my anger and blame the others for d simple,small n not-dat-important stuff. wut is wrong wif me? pms.... long tyme had ended... psycopath... nope,dats not me.... i think i need help for dis! am i dat hopeless......
its shitty wen u didnt get wut u want and u did study d particular chapter but in the end u sucks at it and u didnt score it!
sum of my groupies notice dat i'd cursed more than i usually did... hell, yeah... d old me is back!
i do hav split personality... like dr.jekyll & mr.hyde.... gewd, nice Filzah no more! i hate dis.... wani asked me not to skip lectures... hopefully, i dont... i had planned my weeks... i hope it will go VERRy smoothly.... how i wish, i wont hear anything, anything dat will hurtin my ear to listen to... i hope dat d nice Filzah will be back... i hope dat i wont have nervous breakdown.... i hope dat i could stay up to study instead of sleepin all nyte ahead till d next morning... i hope dat no one is messin wif my life now... i hope dat i can perform d best durin malaysian nyte... i hope dat i didnt neglect everythin dat happened to my life.... how i wish i can do dat!

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