im back in N.N already...
but kinda sad because have to start study again (dang!!!)
the trip was fun because my friends and I were in the bus that i called 'bus tenang' since the type of the people in the bus: kurang bising and baik-baik saje :))
but the thing was, the one at the back: the loudest one...
personally, i think this trip was the best one since lots of stuff had happened yet to be remembered....
on the way:
OMG.. the toilets...
only lubang with awful smell!!!!!
some more with 'kueh' bersepah around the hole...
yep, u know what does it mean by kueh aite?
at nite on the bus:
it was story telling time...
not a competition but sharing ghost stories...
i guess the best story teller was Iqbal...
best quote: study... dan study... study kalau x pecaye tgk spek mata saya.. tebai lagu nieh!!! (heuheuehue)
during d games:
1.accidentally terpushed WA from volgo... she screamed at me, adik si LIM tue (wohooooo... i was shocked but nvmd main je lah)
2. almost kissed the wall of the hall because berebot the ball with WA from MMA...
and i pon menjerit: awww... sakettt cos i think she did pushed me tho... it's ok at least she said sorry kann
i'm the eldest according to the year... yep, veteran...
thank God, the juniors mmg hebat sooo boleh la mengcover kekurangan masing2 especially saye la tue...
ouh well, i played only first half almost of each match
pancit seyh..
but the semi-final...
they saw me fall down already on the floor and obviously with painful expression...
(bagoss la korg, amat concern pade saye teross tukar player)
sorry, this part i want to write fully in BM... baru PEDAS!
dah terang tak payah nak suluh2: player handball sume: player b-ball+netball
mmg la tak dapat datang on time sebab b-ball dapat msk semi 2nd and 3rd placement...
at least, tolong la lengah2kan mase sekajap walaupun 10 minit sebab bas stuck dalam jam and sebelom tue lagi pak cik drebar dah buat hal x nak hantar kitorg pegi sane...
nie tak, smpai2 nak carik pasal...
siap marah ngan tengking lagi kitorang tanye pehal lambat sume
pas2 berlagak boleh main handball...
tolong lah weyh...
ko ade mulot, ko nak carik pasal ko pegi la cakap ngan management for handball tuh...
bangang gilerr...
smpai kitorang kene forfeit 1 game ngan Kursk...
naseb baik tangan aku x naik hayun kat muke ko...
sabar tue ade lagi...
smpai Captain kitorg dengar ko cakap mcm tue plus dengan forfeit 1 game...
bdk tue menangis!!!
lps tue... habis marah2 ko balik... ikot bontot2 yg lain..
habes bagus ahhhh...
kalo ko nk cakap, cermin diri sendiri la weyhh
kalo ko star player, state player ke... kitorg yakin jugak ah nk bagi ko main...
ko tau x kenape player yg lain x main b-ball x pegi hall tue dulu???
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
4 people says..:
taw xpa.cakap mcm bag0s.ang pat0t teng0k muke die tyme die cakap wei.
sejibik macham................
(samb0ng sindrik eh)
p/s: well..kite kan x h0t mcm depa..orang2 x h0t neh mane lah layak nak jilat pungk0k laki2 yang kun0n2 nye h0t mcm depa lah jugeks..*gi mati*
amat pedas seyh...
sat g i nk wat post tribute for u :)
haha..aku puas hati coz aku dpt tengking dier..geram aku...cakap mcm hebat main sport jer..if hebat nak ckp lebih boleh la..nie lari pun terkedek2..ade hati nak sound2 org...HELL-OOO setakat masuk futsaL atas dasar kesian baik xpayah...nak main futsal ker nak mengedik's..if hebat faham la jugak...ngengenge..sorry ar if terase.ko mmg ptt kene hina mcm nie k!!! hebat la blog ko fil!!!! aku suker... :)
*big round of applause*
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