yeah, eversince POTS' post or the comments from visitor in MSA's chatbox....
i think all of us are fired up...
even me asking myself: am i that stupid to come here to study Medicine or should i change my sponsors from JPA to MARA???
well, that's ridiculous after i had known that my name was enlisted under russian programme... (after the interview result was out) and yes, my dreams were shattered...
keep on dreaming, you'll not going away from this!
yes i do, i am being haunted by the statement saying russian or ukraine grads are the bad apples...
do we? (figure out yourself)
i think this is too sensitive for us...
even the good students are affected...
we did our best to learn here...
trying to do whatever that we can do to LEARN...
some of course, being drifted and GOD KNOWS what They are doing!
i did remember some of the doctors that i had met including my uncle asking me whether i am ready to go to Russia or to change my options from russia to twinning programme like UK-MSia???
1. are you sure to go there?
2. can you adapt with it because i heard it is going to be tough!
3. i think you better study in Indonesia or other countries
4. why don't you go to study in BELGIUM?
plus another questions and suggestions....
ouh well, life is tough!
p/s:huerm.... i wish they'll be vanished in times or realizing that they had wasted their times for being here doing nothing other than tortures to us!
Sunday, March 29
Good or no good???
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 2:09 pm 5 people says..
Labels: life in NN, Myself
Saturday, March 28
i am not trying to steal your lightning!!!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:55 pm 4 people says..
Labels: random
Thursday, March 26
3rd weeks of int. med...
guess what i have been up to?
morning: always on time at the bus stop, not later than 8.15 am or else. you wont catch the bus...
in the hospital: as if the lifts are at 15th floor... betcha you'll have to wait for another 5-10 minutes. as if, you are already late, use the stairs, stretch out some of your muscles ;)) yeah, my legs are aching on the 9th floor....
well, at least, 3minutes to climb up till 11th floor where my class is situated but bear with the cigarette's smell!!! (bleargghh)
yep, as if you are in the lift: B.O (body odour) in the air!!! (hu~~)
the patients: some are friendly, helpful, chatty and easy to understand on what they are trying to convey about their complaints... so, lend your wax free pair of ears to them...
the doctors: some are nice, kind and lenient but some have grumpy looks but their nice too..
the students: describe it yourself
the transport: as for now, as I had observed for this 3 whole weeks, the bus will be at the bus stop 10-15 minutes at least....
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:06 pm 0 people says..
Saturday, March 21
friend and foe
Does it rhyme very well?
Well, to be precise there are different types of people that you would possibly meet in the world.
1. The best friend: knows you damn well and he/she can you read your mind
2. The good friend: knows you too but not well enough as the first one. Get along very well
3. The friend: well, this one has loads of subtypes
a) Hello and goodbye: pass by, smile say hello, chat for a while and bye
b) The one with benefit: Ouh, you do know about this well. Become friend with them for the benefit
c) Foe: heck, of course this one also can become a friend but beware you may never know what he/she is doing behind your back
d) Cookies type: sometimes he/she is there and sometimes he/ she don’t. it is hard to meet them.
e) Happy time: he/she will show up when the happy time is ‘ON’ but during sad time, he/she is M.I.A
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:58 pm 4 people says..
Labels: random
i woke up early today (surprisingly!!!)
yep, i know today is saturday, the usual routine is to wake up late...
i have to bake a cake (carrot cake with cheese topping) and cook nasi minyak for my groupmates....
thank GOD, nasi menjadi and cake sedap!!!
(masuk bakul angkat sendiri lah)
i called home: no one is picking up the phone
called abah, never reach him...
called kak mie, straight to the mailbox...
called kak dayah: straight to the mailbox tooo
called mama: hooray!! mama picked up my call :))
no wonder, all of them are in IPOH now...
some sorta family gathering there withe the others....
soo, i had talked to each of them... plus uncles and aunties...
and the main questions were:
1) how are you??
2) how's your study???
3) when is your exam?
4) how's the exam
5) when you'll be back this time???
6) have you book your flight ticket???
7) does the deans mind if you are going back early and skipping the practicals?
missing them... ouhh noo, i missed cik midah's foood!!! and i want steamboat!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:06 pm 0 people says..
Wednesday, March 18
ouhh my!!!
i hampir tersepit di pintu bas hari nie.... (nasib baik ade bag, kalo tidak... leper la jadinye!)
ngoks la bdk pompuan russian ngan budak laki itew!!! (lmbat btul reflex diorg)
tepi lahh skett ke msk dlm skett ke dalam bus tue...
nie, nk jugak duduk kat depan pintu...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 10:57 pm 2 people says..
Labels: Myself
Monday, March 16
oooohhh NOOOOO!!!
i x buat exam lagi!!!
p/s: abah, mama thank you $$$$ for ticket flight! so this time, half-half lah... eheheheh ;)
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 6:52 pm 2 people says..
Saturday, March 14
people comes and goes by...
well, meeting new people it's like opening a new chapter of your life...
just give it a try...
who knows you'll find something about it....
something you'll never realize and you cannot imagine...
which is something new!
p/s: i am having an exam which is happened to be on monday and i feel like do not want to do it because i do not have the urge to study. is there anything that can help me? ta~
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:48 am 0 people says..
Wednesday, March 11
yep, i'd asked my lecturer to give me prescription ever since my flu is getting worse!!! (yep, exactly weird huh???)
guess what... it becomes worse after i played basketball on last sunday....
yep, at first i was like sooooo eager to play it and somehow i found out that my hands were stiffed!!! yea la, almost 1 sem, i haven't touch the ball...
end up few scores only during shooting practice, 2 free throws only.... (i think!)
i was explaining to her when the flu began n then got worse after i played b-Ball...
she was laughing (yea, laughing at me)
sooo, her suggestions were :
Antibiotics (erythromycin or clarithromycin)
Nasal drops (ksilin)
hopefully, i'll be better by tomorrow
p/s: time to dozz-off
mmuahhhhxxxxxx... :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:05 pm 0 people says..
Labels: life in NN, Myself, random
Saturday, March 7
xde kerja tp tetap mencarinya...
guess whatttt.....
my itunes is filled with classical music ;))
sejak bile saye mendengarnye???
suke je denga!!!
still, few days ago, i'd spent some amount of $$$ on dloading the springwaltz classic OST...
naseb baek jumpe...
mmg la jumpe!!!
2 albums habes di dload....
but, kenape internet di sini masih unlimited and dat's why ramai yg bertukar to beeline!!!
saye juge yg x tukar2 lagi...
dah dapay beeline...
confirm mate dok lekat kat screen...
mau jadi 4 segi tepat nanti...
x sabar nk balik (cm la sebulan lagi da nk balik!!!)
shitty lahh...
malas nk ingat pasal practical...
saket hati lagi dibuatnye...
mcm makcik sanitarka menipuu kitorg ari2... (bole kate, sume Dr. busy, awak bole balik)
kureng btol la makcik nie...
pot pet pot pet, xhenti2...
seriously, ade la 1 time...
mase ade chest pain, mcm seribu jarum ditusuk berulang2 kali, SOB pon ade.... (demam mase nie)
plus dgn bunyi suare makcik itew dok berleter x henti...
rase mcm nk hayun je tgn dgn ringannye (hyperbola)...
tp hari2 mulut terlepas kate: i wish she'll hav pharyngitis for a week
keesokan hari (keji juge bunyinye)
kene perli dgn head of dr plus lecturer: yg awak pegi balik tu apasal??? saye ke atau mak cik tue cgu awak ha????? (nie bdk group lg satu kene- group vasenin)
lecturer my group, die nie perli je kerja tp sem nie, die baik semacam!
pelik jugak!!!
korg, ledaev da baik skett, kurg lancang mulut die kali nie...
ish, sedap je menulih...
takpe2, die x paham!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 11:13 pm 0 people says..
gossip baru???
ade2... xpayah la cerita...
sume org tahu pe..
bosan nk mampus....
isnin cuti lagi :)
AN, gewd luck SPM result da nk kuar da nie... konfem terketar2 lutut ko!!! tehehehe... 12 march ija tepon umah :))
p/s:ouhhh kene berusaha membaca buku!!!
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:16 am 0 people says..