saye mmg suke makan ikan...
hari2 di hospital Semashko mmg saye makan ikan....
nk buat mcm mane...
ikan je yg bule dimakan...
xde le gamaknye nk makan ayam tuh...
owh yea, org dahi terlebih jendol ade la kawan saye sorg nie suke panggil org mcm tue: si flowerhorn (name ikan tau)
tp kalo saye yg xde kelopak mata nie: shitt fil!! ko x de kelopak mata!!! mcm IKAN seyh..
(shoooootttt, ko same kan aku mcm ikan pulak dahh skang nie)
smpai hati...
confem lepas nie xmo dah belanja ko smpai bila2!!!!!
Friday, December 19
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:13 pm 0 people says..
Labels: random
Wednesday, December 17
d delivery guy...
G: hello
F: hello
G: I CANT go in!!!! the guard wont allow me to go IN!
F: heh???? where are you know???
G: I'm outside... I CANNOT go in!!!! Can you COME to me????
F: ermmmm... but, i can't go out!!! it's late already!!!!
G: the thing is, I cant go in!!! The door is locked!!!
F: I cant go out toooooooooo....
G: I'm standing outside of the building.. just go out NOW...
F: but i cant....
(hung up)ryna n erna: fil x dak sapa ponn kat luaq tuh.. keta pon x dak!!!
F: hello... where are you know??? tell me exactly the place...
G: I'm outside... come down NOW!!!!
F: Wait...
p/s: try to translate it in malay... heueheuheueheue,
owh well, it happened when ryna n erna ordered d pizza...
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 9:17 pm 2 people says..
Friday, December 12
Alhamdulillah, I’d passed my Operative surgery and ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) exam awaiting. Usually, I would indulge myself around with something else like doing nothing and sleeping but now, sticking my butt and studying for ENT topics.
I had been thinking a lot these days. Some maybe sound ridiculous but as days passed by it kept haunting me. Am I what I am??? It feels like I had changed a lot. The relatives keep on saying that I am different in all aspects. Hell yeah, I am older and wiser. But, as a kid I used to be the most talkative, mischievous, full with imaginary ideas that you could ever imagine.
Yes, I talk less to them because I do not know what to say to them. Darn, it is really hard for me to find a topic that will carry on all along for conversation.
As if with my old friends: Oi, Fil you look different now! Of course I know about it. It feels like I am losing something and that thing is outreached. I tend to stop myself to do something that I like. Yet, I do not know why.
These days, I cannot express myself and I keep my feeling inside me without knowing I am mad or like to something that I should.
Apathetic, the correct word I guess. Surprisingly, I am always searching for the undefined. People behavior reluctantly amused me.
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 2:57 pm 0 people says..
Monday, December 8
huheueheuhe... exam nk dekat da nieh..
doakan saye :))
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 1:35 pm 2 people says..
Monday, December 1
kalau org kate....
kalau org kate awk lawa suke x???
kalau org kate awk chomel awk suke x???
kalau org kate awk burok atau hodoh, awak nk kate ape???
nk bg pelangkung sekali kat kepala ke???
kalo org kate awk hebat???
kalo org kate awk pandai???
kalo org kate awk bodoh???
apa awak buat???
kalo org kate awk gile???
kalo org kate awk sewel atau bangang???
awak nk terjun msk lobang or longkang???
bile org kate mcm2...
bile org dok mengutuk x hengat...
ingat!!! ade lagi org lagi bagus dr mereka dan diri sendiri...
bukan ape, sume org mmg ade ragam tersendiri....
kadang2, x berkenan dek mata yg memandang, telinga yg mendengar.....
tabahkanlah hati bile melaluinya.
p/s: xde keje... atlas dok terjerit2 memanggil2 saye, apakan daya, badan x larat, otak da penat, ikutkan hati nk pejam je mata, tidow smpai besok pagi!!!! huish~~~
another ranting from FiLzAHNuRJoHaR at 8:26 pm 2 people says..
Labels: random