i met an ophthalmologist today in conjuction with the cooperation of pathphysiology department and her on a research. Ekaterina Vladimirovna, the ophthalmologist. well, she's young and as Svetlana vadimovna said "she's young but i know she's very experienced based on my experience as her patient".....
my result was : 2nd degree of myopia with astigmatism on my right eye... basically, i'm one of her candidate in the research and on the next spring i'm going to meet her again...
she asked me the reason why most of the overseas students have myopia??? i told her that most probably during secondary school, we studied very hard and other external causes like not enough lights, staying up and etc... she asked the duration of the classes during secondary school and i answered, around 7-8 hours...
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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