im under presssure!!!
darn, how i wish to make a leap of it.... i hate it wen it cum!
juz go AWAY!!! yesss, it may go but depends on how u deal wif it aite???
::when im in lgkw..... i played tennis wif MR. JOhn Walll.... huahh, felt reallly gewd to hit that ball... it felt like u smacked someone straight on his face :))
:: now, i'd indulged myself into JOGGING!!! wohooo... cooolies, filzah's running along the park crazy x??? at first, i thought that i couldnt make it.... yup, i ran non-stop for 2-3 km on last friday.... crazy me but its a relief... i felt like everything that had been messing up wif my head r all gone! btw, i went jogging wif kak amani coz she's on diet... so, people who's on diet hav to exercise... kak suhaili n kak yanti were there on dat day, practically 4 of us became Jogging Partner... hihihihihi
:: chocs, sound goood dont they??? but, be prepared. u'll gain weight... sooo big no no for me since i hav to maintain my weight so dat no one can call me GEMOK when i'm back in msia...
:: yet, calling or texting mama is the best... truly, i dont like to whine at her still she's the best listener n my sisters of course
:: when jpa had bank-in some money (wth, somme??? lotsa $$$$) okay, shopping is the answer!!!! shopping is girls best friend... cant be denied but im on budget now... shopping should be put on hold first :(
:: movies.... ok la... but, i tend to feel guilty coz I'm SUppOse to BE sTUdyinGG!
:: crying??? hahahha i did it sumtyme when im reallllyyyy pressured wif everything... n PMS thingy...
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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