coool x... i ran away from irina's excursion at the russian Cultural village.....
at first, i was like freaking chicken shit to escape...
but, since my hand and feet started to become numb....
the first act was accomplished: i sat on a bench wif few other students.... shivering and olga approached and chitchattting wif us..... me wif red face and obviously she knew that im cold.... she told me to gO BaCk!!!! (yipppe.....)
but, as i start my pace to reach the post guard up to the hill, my beloved russian Intensive teacher asked us to join them playing.... fufufufuufufufuuf..... stop for a while and then as the circle goes round and round and she cant see us, malini and i were sprinting to the post guard... than, others who wanted to follow become jealous and purposely called me to stop...
like i care... i continue to run.... hahahhaha.....
well, before that Olga told me to take bus no.28 (easier and faster to reach hostel since im cold)... while waiting few escapees joined malini, XB, saMirtha and me... FYI, all d escapees are seniors especially 2nd year students except Adli.......
walk a lil bit then take the bus and walk back to the hostel....
mission accomplished and i bet all the teachers noticed that we were gone....
huhuuhuhu :)
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
3 people says..:
not cool at all skipping classes :P alang2 dah smpi uni tue, attend jer laa klas.. ehehehe.. walhal aku laa ratu ponteng ^_^
ehehheh...dis class saje yg patut escape.. been there already... and i'd planned to play basketball dat day hummmphhhh!
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