back to summer 2006: the sCEnario..... (gatherin of my Big FamilY)
ija.... da tembam!!!
ija.... asal ko da gemuk?
eyhhhh... badan ija da naik sikittttt...
damn! am i sooo fat... n am i goin to be fat by d tyme i go back to mesia dis tyme???? only God knows....
well, FAt dis title came across my mind when my roomies n me chit chatting bout gaining weight Especially during Examssss.... i guess Gaining weight is Pre-Exam ------ (fill in d blank on ur own) basically, it occurs to some people.... some people like me!
depression n being pressured obviously the causes...
hence, be careful n dont be toooo easy on urself on eating unnecessary junks.... its hard, to resist but eat adequately n dont u ever practicing on uNHealThy dIet....
check ur weight, as for me monthly is enuffff... huahauah....
exercise is a must... go out n play sumthing, stop hibernating in ur rooommm!
summore, i'd become a nocturnal.... sleepin durin d day, studyin at nite...
guess wut, today.... i almost collapsed coz i slept for about 2 hours... i'd survived thanx to mR Caffein- Nescafe.... truly, dont do this.... ur biological Clock kept on ticking n well adapted to you... once, its went wrong same goes to u... have ur BeauTy sleep, People... ;)
besides dat, take ur dietary supplement such as Vit B complex, C, beta Carotene etc etc... believe me, it helps in maintaning ur weight n it can boost up ur energy (when i was Form5, i have to eat 14 pills a day plus 2 mugs of soy milk- dun get me wrong, its My Dad who bought all those dietary supplement... im a healthy person back then, thank u Abah! mmuaahhhxxx)
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
heheheh... as long as u're happy, then it fines to stay "gemuk". but then are gemuk ppl happi? me one of them says HELL NO. kene diet... sile bagi sokongan
10 days babe....
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