Thursday, October 29

end of october 2009

hi... well, it is been a long time since my last entry!
now, i am quite busy in my studies,
ouh yea, cikgu hashim: welcome to my blog!
:) (looks like cikgu is one of my REGULAR reader now)

today, 29th October 2009...
first day of snowing...
now, it is no fun, no more sun!!!! (i need the sun rather than the snow)
the roads are wet with the melted snow... (lecak, so tell me about it!)
my shoes: wet, my socks: wet (new shoes maybe?)
sometimes, irresponsible car drivers or the bus drivers pass over the 'lecak' and water splashed on whoever unlucky on the bus stand!

since JPA already paid for the sponsored students EPC (extra-practical classes) fees...
like me, we have to attend it...
once you missed it, you have to replace it!
dang~~~ i wish the Deans can be little bit lenient (at least)
because i missed once Surgery EPC... (i was sick that day)
but, i did replace it yesterday!
OMG, yesterday the Dr. was on call and she was responsible for the WHOLE hospital...
to make the story short, my friends and i have to accompany her for rounds!
hah... i have leg cramps till now and both my knees hurt! (Ouch)

last 2 weeks, an evil fat lady, she's a conductor though!
ryna, farah, mirin and me were on a bus to UVD hospital to attend Int. Med lecture...
after all these days, why oh why it happened to farah and me????
that self-righteous woman took our bus pass!!!!!
how am i going to travel to class after this since the bus fee had already increased from 11 rub to 14rub and there will be another 10 days to November...
by the way, she tore my bus pass since she was too blind to see there was scotch tape on my bus pass taped to my student card.
i cried on the bus (yes, saket hati sgt mase tgk die koyakkan the bus pass)
her reason was, i did not have the deans 'cop' certifying that i am a 5th year student...
oy ****, you thought i have too many times to meet the deans ke to get the 'cop'?
since, most of my friends here heard about my stories... they tend to make fun of me when they see me counting the coins to pay the conductor on the next few days (hell no.. till now i think!)
(laugh at me, one day you guys 'kena' baru tahu macam mane)
another thing is, they ask me to take the Lady pics so that they can escape from her easily since most of us did not get the 'cop' yet!
but, the thing is i had never encounter her in a bus eversince the incident.
1 fact bout her, she is the conductor of bus number 68!
be careful on your way to avtozavod or gorkova okay!

as for now, i am broke and i am on money loan from my Dad and Mom...
thank you abah and mama...
i never thought i will be this poor...
because i have to pay for the hostel fees and the bus pass issue...
gosh, i really hate it!

as for today, the 1st class for psychiatry...
eeeeewwww.. i do not like it that much because of long walking jouney with the cramped leg,
non-condusive room for lecture with such lenghty notes to copy!
and us whining and complaining about no projector, font too smal to see and everything!
(memory, thinking, short term memory, long term memory, psyche.. yadda...yadda...)

p/s: the pic of the conductor will be posted soon enough if i meet her on a bus, yea :P

2 people says..:

Anonymous said...

Isit not the evil fat lady with blond hair and glasses working in bus no 68? I kene dengan dia jugak rasanya... so fucking pissed I tolak dia punya beg kutip duit coins dia semua jatuh sambil swearing "tvoya mat!~"

FiLzAHNuRJoHaR said...

bus 68 same... but not blonde la...
i kene dgn, red head evil fat lady!!!
muke amat x boleh blahhhh...
gosh, u did swore to her.. cool...
i shud said k chortu to her ler!
god, evil conductors are everywhere!