1. big time spendthrift!!!
(if can bar my account now, i sanggup but give me the money to buy new Hp first please)
2. study
(aaaaaaaahhhhh.... i am staring on my books now)
3. hanging out
(with friends? rarely. everyone seems busy. sedeyh!)
4. food
(hehehehe, yes. last night, masak lemak ketam and lala goreng with fried kailan. eventhough, i am allergic to it: like I care!)
5. fasting
(yea, i have another 4 days to go!)
p/s: does time will heal everything?
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
2 people says..:
babe i pon lagi 4days nk puasa.heee.smela
Dah nak masuk bulan puasa. bestnya.
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