hampaGASSS betol......
so, yesterday irina mikhailovna asked us bout cycle dat we are having ryte now???
who's the lecturer and what not...
so i blurted out, well, it is the prof. galena ermm... (so, die la smbg sendiri name prof tue.. mane nk ingat!!! tulih je lebeyh dlm buku)
she added, prof is the pro-rector...
and i said yes!!! (bcos it was written in kak raja's notes)
Group D,E,F have dermatology cycle now...
siape kate dermatology SENANG??? (angguk kepale skettt...)
bIG no, no....
new terms, different lesions and characteristic on skin...
heck, terms in russian pon tak tahu sangat...
sharp 11 am, irina pon dtg dekat department...
me: my jaw dropped on the floor ( i tot she was kidding yesterday)
cgu kelas pon membawa 2 patients...
wani n pok nik have to interview the patients in RUSSIAN...
after d interview:
irina kate: ouh diorg sume nie bukannye paham sgt pe yg patient dok cakap tadi... bla bla...
me: (oihhh, mak aihhh... ingat nk gune russian forever ke??? br 2nd day kelassss... die pon x ajar lagi derma punyer terms) geram gile... mati mood nk study dlm class...
but, the good thing is our lecturer defend us... phewhh.. she seemed very protective about us... (thank GOD)
btw, ade la juge mereka bertekak for few mins...
p/s: pening kepale tgk diorg bertekak... if saye keji, da lame amek gmbar!!!
i dunno, sejak kelas dgn die, my russian jadi berkarat
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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