day 1: bleargggggh!!!! i hate d first day of all dat went realllly bad when the SISTER scolded me at the hallway... shieeetttt malu gila yg x terkata... cum on la, dah la 1st day suke2 ati saje marah kat org... well, since im not d type dat cry after being scolded, i raised my tone same as hers! i know its RUde, memalukan org btul la..... 1st thing dat i did: followed Dr. Gobi wherever he goes.....
day2 till d end: it went verry smooth after i'd moved to the other ward, ward 1. Dr. Guru was superb, he taught us a LOt!!! though, i havent start d clinical part yet, its a BOnus for me, real exposure n not becoming Greek when I heard all clinical words... learned d systematic way to read ECG, X-ray, set a line, proctoscopy n etc.... so, everyday after lunch: discussion wif Dr. Guru bout the topics given by him to each of us. I'd met few of Russian students: Goh (M2), Doon (M1), Haffis or penghulu (M1) n Helmi(Nizhny). at first, i thought im goin to be alone but im wrong!!! thank God, they were there together wif me....
--like us doing our attachment at the Hospital, same goes for the UKM students, 3rd year students to be precise... during lunch tyme, im not hungry so i decided to study bout asthma at the Nurses post no.2, at the next table besides me, there was a group of UKM students browsing thru a patient's history file.... i was there, listening to every single word they uttered, at one point they couldnt figure out wuts D.T means??? i knew that they wanted to ask me n discussed among them on wut they should call me.... hehehhe, kakak??? (nope, ntah2 she's younger than us) awak???.... then:
girl: excuse me... D.T stands for wut????
me: ouhhh, D.T, its dextrose test, check balik wif the nurse eh... not sure tho....
girl: umur bape?
me: 20 :)
girl: ouhh, mude dr kitorg la, thanx
me: welcum...
i told Haffis n Helmi bout it, they laughed out loud n said im keji!!!!
as for me, trying to defend myself: x kan lah, fil tibe2 nk cakanp ngan diorg, kang kate org lebey2 lak... baik tunggu smpai diorg tanye fil... bukan nk belagak tp xnk malu org kate terlebey peramah!
now, doin nothing at home... im bored ;(
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago
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