it's august...
will be back in NN sooon (not ready for it)
what did I do during my Summer Holiday????
:: sticking my eyes to the multicolor box that can speak with variety sense of humor which is TV
mainly, watching TV and DVD and i do enjoy watching talk-show by rachael ray and indonesian or malaysian drama these days
:: family gathering, consider it as done, kenduri tahlil was last saturday
::sometimes, read the novel and finally i'd manage to finish it up and as usual it ends with happy ending...
:: searching for jeff abbott new book... wanted to buy it soon but i don't have the mood to go to MPH
:: catching up with my friends... owh yeah, i went to Shah Alam Stadium last week cos Athirah wanted to but tix for the Chelsea match!!! as for us, the seating plan was confusing but i think RM53 or RM83 was ok already!!!
::shopping??? not yet, but sooon
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago