so, my winter break was splendid coz:
1) fully supported by Mama n Kak mIe
2) shoppin till im bored
3) woke up any tyme dat i want
4) can stay outside not only during d day BUT at NYte also!
5) i ate Ramen, kueh teow, nanDo's n etc ( those food dat i cant find in RuSSia)
6) watched TV non stop....
well, 1st day: 1/2/07
departed from sheremetova 2 to london heathrow, its 4 h flight....
then, off straight to birmingham.....
nice place to live.... serene, canal??? lots of it, verrrry nice.....
but 1 thing dat i like is..... i can memorize the streets kt sane already... i mean from my sis house to bullring!!! yessss, so its like everyday i went to d pallasades n bullring....
cool place..... thanx to ikmal for teman me to old trafford n all, mal, thanx for all okies... mizz ya tonz!
hah! dis place, simply best! walk here n there wif kak mie......
oxford st: wohooooo, millions of people, trust me..... seriously lots of peeps
bond st: hhehehe, dis st byk kedai halal!
knightsbridge: harrods!!!!
covent garden: ehhehe, lots of shops..... but d most, 1st shop dat both of us notice is GUESS.....
but, we didnt buy anything from it coz in msia ponnn ade.... end up shopping in nine west since in msia d price kinda expensive compared herrre.....
shopping, im luvin it!
last day: 9/2/07
back from london heathrow to sheremetova 2....
my luggage was full wif all those stuff dat i bought...
darn, im flattered wif d guy i met in the train to watford junction... so cute! hehehhe :)
Lost in Horizon
1 week ago